Page:United Nations Security Council Meeting Record 2932.pdf/6

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(Mr. Abulhasan, Kuwait)

We discussed all points of view and all disagreements between our two countries. Through its Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Kuwait has expressed its willingness to continue bilateral negotiations in Kuwait and Baghdad in order to reach a just and honourable solution that would take into account the legitimate rights of both countries.

The only way to deal with this matter, which has already been dealt with through all international norms, instruments, and laws — first and foremost the Charter of the United Nations — is to solve the problem by peaceful means and negotiations, and not through the use of force. The solution can be found in the Charters of the United Nations and the Arab League, and the principles of non-alignment and of Islam, righteousness and justice. In this matter, however, we are faced with the Iraqi invasion, which represents a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, particularly in paragraphs 3 and 4 of its Article 2.

It is now incumbent on the Council to shoulder all its responsibilities and to maintain international peace and security. The Council is responsible for the protection of Kuwait and its security, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, which have been violated. In order to shoulder all its responsibilities and to carry out its tasks, the Council is urgently requested to demand that Iraq withdraw immediately and unconditionally all its forces to the positions in which they were located on 1 August 1990.

Kuwait, a small country, draws its strength and support in international legitimacy, represented by the Security Council and its role in implementing the provisions of the Charter. This is a test for and the responsibility of the Council vis-à-vis peace and security in that vital area of the world and towards all small nations that are defenceless and helpless.