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S/RES/1980 (2011)

rapes and other forms of sexual violence and stressing that the perpetrators must be brought to justice,

Stressing the importance for the Group of Experts, originally established pursuant to paragraph 7 of resolution 1584 (2004), to be provided with the sufficient resources for the implementation of its mandate,

Determining that the situation in Côte d'Ivoire continues to pose a threat to international peace and security in the region,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

  1. Decides to renew until 30 April 2012 the measures on arms and the financial and travel measures imposed by paragraphs 7 to 12 of resolution 1572 (2004), paragraph 5 of resolution 1946 (2010) and paragraph 12 of resolution 1975 (2011) and further decides to renew until 30 April 2012 the measures preventing the importation by any State of all rough diamonds from Côte d'Ivoire imposed by paragraph 6 of resolution 1643 (2005);
  2. Decides to review the measures renewed in paragraph 1 above in light of the progress achieved in the stabilization throughout the country, the holding of the parliamentary elections and the implementation of the key steps of the peace process, as referred to in resolution 1933 (2010), by the end of the period mentioned in paragraph 1, and decides further to carry out a midterm review of the measures renewed in paragraph 1 above no later than 31 October 2011, with a view to possibly modifying, lifting or maintaining, ahead of 30 April 2012, all or part of the measures of the sanctions regime, in accordance with progress in the peace process, the developments related to Human rights violations and the developments related to the parliamentary elections;
  3. Calls upon all Member States, in particular those in the subregion, to fully implement the measures renewed in paragraph 1 above, including as appropriate by enforcing the necessary rules and regulations and calls also upon the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) to lend its full support within its capacities and mandate and further calls upon the French forces to support UNOCI in this regard, within the limits of their deployment and their capabilities;
  4. Urges all illegal armed combatants to lay down their arms immediately, encourages UNOCI, within its mandate and limits of capabilities and areas of deployment, to continue to assist the Ivorian Government in collecting and storing those arms and further calls upon the Ivorian authorities, including the National Commission to fight against the Proliferation and Illicit Traffic of Small Arms and Light Weapons, to ensure that those arms are neutralized or not illegally disseminated, in accordance with the ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and light Weapons, their Ammunition and other Associated Materials;
  5. Recalls that UNOCI, within the monitoring of the arms embargo, is mandated to collect, as appropriate, arms and any related materiel brought into Côte d'Ivoire in violation of the measures imposed by paragraph 7 of resolution 1572 (2004), and to dispose of such arms and related materiel as appropriate;
  6. Expresses its deep concern about the presence of mercenaries in Côte d'Ivoire, notably from neighbouring countries, and calls upon the authorities of Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia to coordinate their action to solve this issue and further encourages UNOCI and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), within