Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/234

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tz! Cases ruled and adjudged in the 1 795. to employ all the legitimate means'oi coercion in his lpgwer, for V�-fccuring and rcltoring the negro to the ferviee of ` owner, whitherfocvcr he might lx a terwards carried. { ` Verdiét, nor c¤n.·rr. 2 J Rssaunuca verfw Hourmnzr. i HIS was a writ of error to remove the proceedin s in the A l /J-B. T cafe of a convidtion for murder, at a Court of lilyer and E mi /e'-rcév EJZ-r-miner, and general goal delivery, held . in Allegheny- County.

 On the retum of the Record the defendant alligned the Gene-

l ral Errors, and the Attomcy General replied. in nullo- ef! er- raram. The indictment was fet forth in the following words :

  • ‘ Allegheny County, [Z"

THE grand inquelt for the County of Allegheny aforefaid, upon their oaths, and folemn aflirmations, refpe£tiveIy, do pre- fent that?ame.r Haneymem late of the Townof Pityhurg, in the County o Allegheny, labourer, not havingthe fear of God be- tbr. his eyes, but being moved and {educed by the inftigation of the1)evil, on the T wenty-Third Day of November in the Year oi Our Lord One Thuuiiand Seven Hundred and Ninety- '1`hree, at the Town of Pin/burg, in the County aforefaid, in and upon one Beryamin 4#»im, in the peace cf God, and of the Commonwealth of Pennjltxania, then and there being, feloni- · oully, wilfully and of his malice aforethought, did make an af- fault; and that thc laid feuncr Honeyman, with both the band: and fiat af him Ihe_/bid _7nme.r Horreymarr, in and upon the had] of him the jzid Beejamin Ajiine, did frihe, hich and hruf, and hnoeh to the ground 5 giving to the _/Enid Benjamin 4/him, then and lhen-e,·with the hand: andjiet nf him, Ihe_/bid _7ame.r Haneyonan, by lhe _/lrihing, hiching and hnaching ta the ground gf the jail Benjamin A_/hint, jéveral mor!a:’!»ruyZ¤.r, of which mortal bruifes the aforefaid Benjamin A_A>in:, then and there, inllantly died; and fo the jurors aforefaid, upon their oaths and folemn aiHrma· tions aforefaid, refpeélively, do fay that the [aid _‘}‘ame.r Honeyman, the laid Benjamin A_/him, then and there, in manner and form aforefaid, felonioully, wilfully and of his malice aforethought, did kill and murder, againll the peace and dignity of the Com- monwealth of Penn_[;·l·wmia, €$'e." Dollar, for the defendant, made two exceptions: ill:. That the indiélment docs not {tate thc grand inquelt to be held “ in and for the Commonwealth of Pemyj·l·t·ania;" but only for the County of Allegheny, which may be outuf the juritiliélion of the State; and, ad. That, although the din;/t is (lated to have been