Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/327

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Cngcurr Couar, Pemfylvattia Diltri&. gn · i 795- _ vvv The Umreo Sure: verfu Gumrrr, et al. THISwu an indiéhnent againlt Etienne Guinet and fabn- an Bapiy? Le bfaitre, for s mifdcmeanor in {itting ont and arming Le: _7unsenme (The Twins) in the port of Pdiladelpbin, to beemployed in the fervice of the Republic of France, againlb .Great Britain, both powers being at peace with the United State:. The a& on which the iudiflment was founded, con- tained the following feétions : Sec. 3. Andbe it jimtlver enei8ed and derlared, 'I`hat if any perfon {hall, within any of the ports, harbours, bays, rivers, or other waters of the United Stater, .{it out and arm, or attempt to {it out and arm, or procure to be {itted out and armed; or {hall knowingly be concemed in thefumilhing, {itting out or arm- ing of any {hip or vcflicl, with intent that fuch {hip or vcliel {hall. be employed in the {`erviee of any Foreign Prince or State, to eruife or commit hollilities upon the fubjeéts, citizens or pro- perz of another Foreign Prince or State, with whom the Unit- ed ate.: are at peace, or {hall i{l`ue or deliver a commilhon _w·ithin the territory or jrrrifdiélion of the United Statd, for any {hip or vellel, to the intent that {he may be employed as afore· {`aid, every {`uch perfon, fo ofending, {hall, upon conviélion, be adjudged guilty of a high mifdemeanor, _and {hall be {ined and imprifoned, at the difcretion of the Court in which the con- vi&ion {hallbe had; fo as the {ine to be impofed {hall in no cafe be more than live thoufand dollars, and the term of impri{`on· ment {hall not exceed three years; and every {'uch {hip or velfel, with her tackle, apparel, and fumiture, together with- all mate- rials, arms, ammunitions, and {totes, which may have been prc· cured for the building and equipment thereof, {hall be forfeited, one half to the ufe of any pcrfon who {hall ive information of _the otfence, and the other half to the ufe of the United State:. Sec. ’4. And be it jirrtber enaffed and declared, That if any · perfon {hall, within the territory or jurifdiétion of the United Stem, encreafe or augment, or procure to be encreafed or aug·· mented, or {hall be knowingly concerned in encreaiing or aug- menting the force of any {hip of war, cruifer, or other armed veliel, which, at the- time of her arrival within the United Stater, was a {hip of war, cruifer or armed velfel in the {erviee of a Foreign Prince or State, or belonging to the fubjeéis or citi- zens of {'uch Prince or State, the fame being at war with ano· ther Foreign Prince or State with whom the United State: are at peace, by adding to thenumbcr or-ire of guns of {'uch vellel Ss ' prepared