Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/330

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324 Cases ruled and adjudged in the 1795. tending the peopl- at work; and the mailer Warden, before VVV whom he had attended with the owner, underilood that he adi- ed in the charaéter of an interpreter, as the owner could not· fpeak Englyb. The lhip-carpenter did not fee Guinea: ’till the bargain was {truck, and the repairs were conliderably advanced ; that afterwards when the owner came, which was generally twice a day, hefpoke fo little Englyb, that Guingt ufed to tranllate . for im, and on all ocealions a& as his, interpreter; that Gui- mt fometimes brought orders from the owner·to the carpenter; that he never alfumed any right of ownerlhip himfelf, but, on the contrary, once complained to the carpenter, that the own- ers had not given him fc much as ahat for interpreting. In op- poiition, however, to the idea of his being merely an interpre- ter, it was proved, that when the Marihall feized the Pilot·boat,_ Guimt claimed one of the trunks on board, and declared, thatthe guns lying on the wharf belonged to him, he having, as he alledged, pure afed them, to fell a ain asmerchandize. A. runner and tackle was {ent on board while the Pilot-boat was in - the Marihal]’s eufledy, but it has never been claimed. Gninat denied before the judge, on his examination, that he knew any thing more of the Pilot·boat, than that {he was going to New- Czyile, and he had put his baggage on board to fend thither ;but thc Pilot’s apprentice being wnfronted with him, inlifled that he was the perfon who had ordered the {ix cannon to he ta- ken on board, and that he was acquainted with the tranl`a&ion. `Whcn, likcwife,Guiue1` was apprehended, two papers were found in his poifeilion : one of them was an account, {iated in his own hand writing, between Lz Maitre and himfelf, in which were charges for fupplying mufquets, ball, and cannon ;for mo- nies advanced at fundry times on account of the equipments; and for commiliions and attendance in fuperintending the repairs and outfit of the veflel. The other paper whs a letter from Meilis. Jlfmdmbull U Co. cf I·l7lmingtan, to Guiuet, dated the 20th of December, rjQ4, eotrtaining thc following paifagc: " Your favor per poll: is come to hand. Vlrc think it not pol`- fible to get any alb. {hot, or an other liz: here. Ve think i: probable, that we can let one oi, our boats go down with the things for the lhip ; they have taken the water caiks on board alread . The account {hall be ready againil you ca1l." The De- puty golleélor proved the Manifelt of the {loop Farmer, which brought up tix guns, configured from Jltlmdmlva/I E5' Co. to Gainer ; and Gaim! acknowledged before the ]udge, that the guns lying at South-flreet wharf were thcfe that had been fo eomigncd to him. . _ Levy, for the defendant. This is the iiril profecution that has occurred iince an aft of Cangrefr was pailkd on the fubjeit. Before the acl was palitd, an important and inzereiting comp- '“ " ver y