Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/406

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Cases ruled and adjudged in the


myself as an attorney (or counsellor) of the court, agreeably and according to law; and that I will support the constitution of the United States.”

4.Ordered, That (unless, and until, it shall be otherwise provided by law) all process of this court shall be in the name of “the President of the United States.”

The court adjourned, sine die.

August Term, 1790.

The court being met, a commission appointing James Iredell one of the Justices, bearing date the 10th of February, 1790, was read; and he was qualified according to law.

The court adjourned, sine die.

February Term, 1791.

The court being met at Philadelphia, the seat of the Federal government, it was

Ordered, That the counsellors and attornies, admitted to practice in this court, shall take either an oath, or, in proper cases, an affirmation, of the tenor prescribed by the rule of this court on that subject, made in February term, 1790.[1]

After qualifying a number of counsellors and attornies, the court adjourned, sine die.
  1. See ant. p. 399.
