Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/541

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209 U. 5. Argument for Complainant. any queerion of principle, as between pars. III and IV, com- pl?in?nt's draft, and par. VII, defendant's draft. Complainant asks that the provisions expressed in pars. III, of West Virginia? Such amount and proportion of said debt the m?ter will ascertain by charging against Wezt Virginia: (1) All expenditur? made by the State of Virginia within the territory which now constitute? the State of West Virginia cince any ? of ?aid debt wes contracted. (2) Such proportion of the ordinary expenses of the government of ginia since any part of said debt was contracted as wr? fairly a?ignable to the counties which were erected into the State of West Virginia. In ascertaining this, the master will take as the basis or criterion upo? which the apportionment of said expenses shall be made the average total population of Virginia, excluding slaves, as nekrly as the same can be de- termined from the United States Census for each of the deeadce in which ?uch expenses were incurred and paid. (3) The amount and value of all money, property, stocks, and credits which We?t Virginia received from the Commonwealth of Virginia, not embraced in any of the preceding items and not including any property, stocks, or credits which were obtained or acquired by said Commonwealth after the 19th day of June, 1861, the date of the organization of the restored government of Virginia. (5) From the aggregate of the amounte thus ascertained, the ms?cr will deduct all moneys paid into the troasury of said Commonwealth from the countice included within the State of West Virginia during aaid period. (6) The balance thus ascertained, with interest thereon from the let day of January, 1861, until the same shall be paid, will be the amount and pro- portion of the debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia existing before that date, ?r?able to Wcet Vir?nia and which that State should pay. III. He will m,k? and return with his report any ?poclal or alternative crate- meats ?)f the accounts between the complainant and the de[endant in the premises which either may deeire him to etate or which he may deem to he de?dreble to preset to the court. It i? fu?her adjudged, ordered, and decreed as foliowe: (1) To the end that full and complete information may be afforded the . master as to all mattore involved in the inquiries with which he is charged by this decree, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the ?tat? of We?t Vir- ? shall each of them reepee?iveiy produce hefo? th$ master, or give him accoas to, all such records, books, papere, and public documents as may be in their poesession or under their control and which may, in hi? judgment, be pertinant to the cald inqulrie? aad ausount? or any of them. And the master i? authoriasd to visit the capitals of Virginia and Weet �h?ini?, aad to make or cause to be made euch ?-?mln-tions as he may