Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/550

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5?4 OCTOBER TERM, 1907. the cause; by this draft tl?e adjudication of theee quedions being left to await a hearing after the ?s report ?.1! be filed, upon the evidence then fully in the cause. �The precise accoun? called for by par. H, defendant's draft, will be taken by the master if he Ah?11 find it nec?mu?ry and proper to take them in order to ascertain the amount and pro- portion of the Vir?ni? debt wl?ch West V' ?n?ini? should pay; and if the master ?h_?11 for any reason deem it unnecessary to take these accounts, the defendant ca?, under par. III, com- plainant's draft, have them stated as special accounts, if she shall be so ?dvised. P?r. III of compl?in?nt's draft is deei?ned to enable e?h pe?�, or the nmster, 'to have ?tive, or spec? statements of the s?count? m?de up oR any ? on which either pe?y or By havin? the reepec?ive view? and contentio? of the cem- p]?in?nt ?nd the defendant thus presented in contrast in concrete form, the court, with the ramjet&nee of the of the rnast?r, will be enabled more reeAil� ? intellitenfly t? reach ?jus? conclusion. If the inquiries defined in pe?s. HI, IV, � ? ?v?, defend- ant's dmft? have any pertinency to any question in the caee, it must be bemuse of somethin? not yet in the record. Complainant, obiecte to them as be/n? unne?m? and Jr- ' relevant. There is nothi? in the cause, or so f?r as we know Out it, to show that there is any found&tion in f?t for the in- quir? mentioned in par. III, defendant's draft, em to whether �?n? l?s n?de any other co?trs?ts or sm?n?ements.with the public creditore, since $anu&r? 1, 1861, in reference to ?the public debt. That inquiry, thouth hewnless, is uselese. The &ceounts provided for in p?re. IV ?nd V, defendant's drY, ?re not pertinent to any ieeue in the cause. Both rel&te to the certificates or receipts $iven by V'n?ni? to the holders of the bonds issued by the Commonweaith