Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/579

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209 U.S. c?m 1? of Without Consideration by the 0oxtrt. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. March 9, 1908. lqe- quest of the United States-Circuit Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit for leave to withdraw certificate herein grapted. Mr. Paul Bak? for Wands et al. Mr. Char/?s C. L4nth? and Mr. Otto R. Barnett for Wabash Railroad Company et al. No. 276. Porvm?SON Ga?v, APPELLANT, V. THE EQUITABLE MOa?O?E COMP?.NY OF K?NS?S Crrr, Mo., ?r ?.L. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United Statce for the District of I?sn?. March 13, 1908. Dismissed with costs on motion of counsel for the appellant. Mr. Thomas F. Dotart for appel- lant. No appearance for appellees. No. 200. L. LECa?No?a E? AL., PL?mT?r?S rs Emma, v. MERCHAN?8' NA?IONAL BANK OF HOUSTON ET ?L. In error to the Court of Civil Appeals of the First Supreme Judicial Dis- trict of the State of Texas. March 19, 1908. Dismissed with cests per stipulation. Mr. Edgar Watkins, Mr. Frank C. and Mr. James A. ?aker for plaintiffs in error. Mr. A. L. Jack-' son, Mr. Jno. W. Parker and Mr. Hann? Taylor for defendants in error. No. 17. E?AB JxDwrs E? AL., PL?r?r?FFS rs E?ROH, V. THE STATE OF T?-X?S. In error to the Court of Civil Appeals of the F?t Supreme Judicial District of the State of Texas. April 13, 1908. Dismissed with co?ts on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Hoyt for the plaintiffs in error. Th? Attorney Genera/ for plaintiffs in error. Mr. Robert Vance Da?zon for defendant in error.