Page:United States Reports, Volume 257.djvu/159

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Opinion of the Court.
257 U. S.

Mr. Assistant Attorney General Riter, with whom Mr. Assistant Attorney General Davis and Mr. William D. Harris were on the brief, for the United States.

Mr. Justice Day delivered the opinion of the court.

This is an appeal from the Court of Claims which was argued and submitted at the same time with No. 10, just decided, ante, 71. Judgment was rendered against Norris. 55 Ct. Clms. 208. The case was brought to this court on appeal, and was remanded to the Court of Claims for further findings.

It appears that Norris was a customs employee at the port of Baltimore. On July 2, 1907, he was made a Customs Inspector at the compensation of $4.00 per day. On February 20, 1913, he was advised by the Collector of Customs that his services as inspector would be dispensed with, and his position vacated at the close of business on that day. On December 22, 1913, he addressed a communication to the Secretary of the Treasury in which he stated that he had been dismissed from the service on the previous February 20th; that no reason was assigned for the dismissal, nor charges furnished him, nor opportunity given him to be heard as provided by § 6 of the Act of August 24, 1912, c. 389, 37 Stat. 555. He stated that, therefore, his dismissal seemed contrary to law, and asked for reinstatement, and an examination of his case on the merits as prescribed in that act. The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on January 12, 1914, replied in substance that, as it appeared that he had been removed without being furnished a copy of the charges, the Department was willing to request the Civil Service Commission to issue a certificate for his reinstatement, and give him a written copy of the charges which led to his separation from the service. In reply to this letter the claimant wrote the Secretary of the Treasury renewing his request for reinstatement. On February 10, 1914, Norris' rein-