Page:United States Reports, Volume 257.djvu/7

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October Term, 1921.[1]

Order of Allotment of Justices.

There having been a Chief Justice of this court appointed since the adjournment of the last term,

It is ordered, That the following allotment be made of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of this court among the circuits, agreeably to the act of Congress in such case made and provided, and that such allotment be entered of record, viz:

For the First Circuit, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Associate Justice.
For the Second Circuit, Louis D. Brandeis, Associate Justice.
For the Third Circuit, Mahlon Pitney, Associate Justice.
For the Fourth Circuit, William H. Taft, Chief Justice.
For the Fifth Circuit, J. C. McReynolds, Associate Justice.
For the Sixth Circuit, William R. Day, Associate Justice.
For the Seventh Circuit, John H. Clarke, Associate Justice.
For the Eighth Circuit, Willis Van Devanter, Associate Justice.
For the Ninth Circuit, Joseph McKenna, Associate Justice.

October 24, 1921.

  1. For next previous allotment see 256 U. S., p. iv.