Page:United States Reports, Volume 257.djvu/749

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Cases Disposed of Without Consideration by the Court.
257 U. S.

trict Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. January 13, 1922. Dismissed with costs, on motion of counsel for appellant. Mr. Lee Roy E. Keeley pro se. The Attorney General for appellees.

No. 88. Edward Johnson v. State of South Carolina. Error to the Supreme Court of the State of South Carolina. January 13, 1922. Dismissed with costs, on motion of counsel for plaintiff in error. Mr. Edwin C. Brandenburg for plaintiff in error. Mr. S. M. Wolfe for defendant in error.

No. 478. City of Dallas et al. v. Dallas Telephone Company. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. January 24, 1922. Dismissed with costs per stipulation of parties for withdrawal of motion of appellee to dismiss and to dismiss appeal Mr. James J. Collins for appellants. Mr. D. A. Frank, Mr. J. D. Frank, Mr. Henry C. Coke and Mr. William H. Duls for appellee.

No. 117. Lbon Israel et al., etc. v. Moobb & Mc- CoBiiACK, Inc. Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. January 25, 1922. Dismissed per stipulation of counsel Mr. Ray Rood Allen for appellants. Mr. Foye M. Mur- phy for appellee.

No. 180. Robert H. Strahan v. Howard G. Hanvey et al. Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California. January 26, 1922. Dismissed with costs, on motion of counsel for appellant. Mr. Charles P. Howard for appellant. No appearance for appellees.