Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/795

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The cargo may be reladen.thereof, which shall not be disposed of as aforesaid, may afterwards be reladen on board the said ship or vessel, under the inspection of the officer who superintended the landing thereof, or other proper person; and the said ship or vessel may proceed with the same to the place of her destination, free from any other charge than for the storing and safe-keeping of the said goods, and fees to the officers of the customs as in other cases.

Mode of estimating ad valorem rates of duty.Sec. 61. And be it further enacted, That the ad valorem rates of duty upon goods, wares and merchandise at the place of importation, shall be estimated by adding twenty per cent. to the actual costs thereof, if imported from the Cape of Good Hope, or from any place beyond the same; and ten per cent. on the actual cost thereof, if imported from any other place, or country, including all charges, commissions, outside packages and insurance only excepted.

Estimation of foreign coins and currencies.That all foreign coins and currencies shall be estimated at the following rates: each pound sterling of Great Britain, at four dollars and forty-four cents; each livre tournois of France at eighteen and a half cents; each florin or guilder of the United Netherlands, at forty cents; each mark banco of Hamburgh, at thirty-three and one third cents; each rix dollar of Denmark, at one hundred cents; each rial of plate and each rial of vellon of Spain, the former at ten cents, the latter at five cents each; each milree of Portugal, at one dollar and twenty-four cents; each pound sterling of Ireland, at four dollars and ten cents; each tale of China, at one dollar and forty-eight cents; each pagoda of India, at one dollar and ninety-four cents; each rupee of Bengal, at fifty-five cents and one half; and all other denominations of money, in value, as nearly as may be to the said rates, or the intrinsic value thereof, compared with money of the United States: Provided, that it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, to cause to be established fit and proper regulations for estimating the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States, in respect to which the original cost shall be exhibited in a depreciated currency, issued and circulated under authority of any foreign government.

Duties to be paid or secured before goods are landed.Sec. 62. And be it further enacted, That all duties on goods, wares or merchandise imported, shall be paid or secured to be paid, before a permit shall be granted for landing the same; and where the amount of such duty on goods imported in any ship or vessel, on account of one person only, or of several persons jointly interested, shall not exceed fifty dollars, the same shall be immediately paid, and if it exceed that sum, shall, at the option of the importer or importers, be paid or secured to be paid by bond, if on articles the produce of the West-Indies (salt excepted) the one half in three,Terms of credit for duties. and the other half in six calendar months; on salt in nine calendar months; on Madeira and all other wines, in twelve calendar months; on all goods, wares or merchandise (other than wines, salt and teas imported from Europe) one third in eight, one third in ten, and one third in twelve calendar months; and all goods, wares and merchandise, other than wines, salt and teas, imported from any other place than Europe and the West-Indies, one half in six months, one quarter in nine months, and the other quarter in twelve months from the date of each respective importation; which bond or bonds shall include one or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector of the district where the said duties shall accrue;Particular provision respecting teas imported from China or Europe. and on teas imported from China or Europe, it shall be at the option of the importer or importers (to be determined at the time of making entry therefor) either to secure the duties thereon, on the same terms and stipulations as on other goods, wares and merchandise imported, or to give his or her, or their bond to the collector of the district, where any such teas shall be landed, in double the amount of the duties thereupon, with condition for the payment of the said duties in two years, from the date of such