Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/813

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vided, that if the amount of such bond shall not exceed the penal sum of two hundred dollars, the collector, with the naval officer, where there is one, and alone, where there is none, may, pursuant to such rules as shall be prescribed by the comptroller of the treasury, admit such proof as may be adduced; and if they deem the same satisfactory, cancel such bond accordingly.

And the form of the certificate of a consignee, declaring the delivery of merchandise at a foreign port, shall be as follows:

Form of consignee’s certificate.I (A. A. or we B. B. and C. C.) of the (city or town) of (merchant, or merchants, and copartners in trade) do hereby certify, that the goods or merchandise herein after described, have been landed in this (city, town or port) between the and days of from on board the of whereof G. G. is at present master, viz. (here insert the particular articles delivered in manner following, as the case may require; namely,

A. B. No. 1. a ten hogsheads Containing fourteen thousand pounds weight of coffee.
C. D. No. 3. 6. 9. 15. four tierces
E. F. No. 14. 18. 22. 25.
Eight hogsheads, containing ten thousand pounds weight of brown sugar.
27. 30. 33. 36.
G. H. No. 21. a 30. Ten chests, containing seven hundred weight of hyson tea.

I. K. 7. 16. 19. Three bales, containing one hundred and fifty pieces of nankeen—) which, according to the bills of lading for the same, were shipped on board the at the port of in the United States of America, on or about the day of and consigned to (me or to us) by of aforesaid, merchant (or by the master of the said )

Given under (my or our) hands, at the
(city of) this day of

And the form of the oath or affirmation of the principal officers of a vessel, confirming the landing of merchandise at a foreign port, shall be as follows:

Port of

Form of the confirmatory oath to be taken by the officers of the vessel.We G. E. master, and H. H. mate of the of lately arrived from the port of in the United States of America, do solemnly (swear or affirm) that the goods or merchandise enumerated and described in the preceding certificate, dated the day of and signed by A. A. of the city of merchant, were actually delivered at the said port, from on board the said within the time specified in the said certificate.

Sworn or affirmed at the city of before me, this day of

And the form of a verification of the delivery of merchandise at a foreign port, to be executed by a consul or agent of the United States, shall be as follows:

Form of the consular verification thereof.I, M. M. (consul or agent) of the United States of America, at the city of do declare, that the facts set forth in the preceding certificate, subscribed by A. A. of the said city, merchant, and dated the day of are, to (my knowledge, just and true, or are in my opinion just and true, and deserving full faith and credit.)

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of my office, at this day of

M. M. Consul.

And the form of a verification of the delivery of merchandise, to be executed by American or foreign merchants, as the case may require, shall be as follows:

Form of the verification by merchants.We residing in the city of do declare, that the facts stated in the preceding certificate, signed by of the said (city) merchant, on the day of are (to our knowledge, just and true, or are in our opinion, just and