Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1026

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982 TREATY WI'1`£I THE NETHERLANDS. AUGUST 26. 1852. Aug¤s,26, 1852_ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Supplementary Commercial Convention between the United States of America. and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, was concluded and signed by their Plenipotentiaries, in this city, on the twenty- sixth day of August last, which Supplementary Convention is, word for word, as follows :— The United States of America De Vcreenigdc Staten van Amearnd His Majesty the King of the rika. en Zyne Majesteit dc Koning pmamblg Netherlands, being desirous of plac- der Nederlanden, den handel, tusing the commerce of the two coun- schen de beide landen wensehende, tries on a footing of greater mutual te brengen op eeneu voet van grooequality, have appointed as their tere wederkeerige gelykheichhebben plenipotentiaries for that purpose: daartoe tot hunne Gevolmagtigden that is to say: the President of the benoemd, te weten: de President Ncgotmo,-s_ United States of America, Daniel der Vereenigde Staten van Ame- Webster, Secretary of State of the rika, Daniel Webster, Secretaris van United States, and His Majesty the Staat der Vereenigde Staten; en King of the Netherlands, Francois Zyne Majesteit de Koning der Ne- Mathieu Wenceslas Baron Testa, derlanden, Francois Mathieu Wen- Commander of the Royal Grand ceslas Baron Testa, Kommandeur Ducal Order of the Crown of Oak der Orde van de Eikenkroon van of Luxembourg, Knight of the Royal Luxemburg, Ridder der Orde van Order of the Lion' of the Nether- den Nedcrlandsehen Lecuw, Ridder lands, and of the Grand Ducal Or- der groot Kertogelyke Orde van den der of the White Falcon, third class; Witten Valk, 3d klasse, Raad van Counsellor of Legation, and His Legatie en Hoogstdeszelfs Zaakge- Majesty’s Charge d’Ah"aires to the lastigde by de Regering der Ve- Government of the United States of reenigde Staten van Amerika.; de- America; who, after having com- welke, na elkander hunne in goeden municated to each other their re- en behoorlyken vorm bevondene spective powers, found in good and wederzydsche volmagten te hebben due form, have agreed that, for and medegedeeld, zyn ovcreengekomen in lieu of the first and second arti- dat, voor en ter vervanging van het v01_v;;;_P_524_ eles of the treaty of commerce and eerste en tweede artikel van het navigation, signed at 1`Vashington on handels·en scheepvaartverdrag, den the 19th of January, 1839, between 19 January, 1839, te Washington, the high contracting parties, the tbl- tuscheu de liooge contracterende lowing articles shall be substituted: partyen geteekend, de volgende artikelen zullen Worden in dc plaats gesteldz Anrrcma I. A1z·r1r¤:.r. I. ¥’¤‘0YiSi<>¤S_¤‘<·>- Goods and merchandise, whatever Goederen en koopwaren, over- °p°°t’"g d“u°s‘ their origin may be, imported into or , schillig welke derzelver herkomst exported from the ports of the Uni- ‘ zy, met Nederlandsche schepen ted States, from and to any other wordende in of nit gevoerd, in of de country, in vessels of the Nether- Ihavens der Vereenigde Staten, van lands, shall pay no higher or other en naar elk ander land, zullen geene duties than shall be levied on the hoogere noch andereregten betalen,