Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/105

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THIRTY·-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cr:. 108. 1852. 85 That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, directed to plsim of Des examine the claim presented by the County of Des Moines, in the State fg°"1°‘m°,;’““t>’¤ of Iowa, for the expenses of the United States District Court, which md;?;?;; were paid by said county prior to the first day of January, one thousand ¤=<=¤ ¤U¤W¤¢i· eight hundred and forty-four; and if, upon such examination, he is satislied that, prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, the said county has paid money which, in accordance with the instructions of the First Comptroller of the Treasury, dated December nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, should have been paid by the marshal of the United States for said Territory, he is directed to audit and allow the same: Provided, That the amount Proviso. thus allowed shall not exceed the sum of twelve thousand dollars, which is hereby appropriated for that purpose. Surveyors- General and their Oler/cs. — For compensation of the sur- Sm-vcyom. veyor—general north-west of the Ohio, and 'tho clerks in his office, eight G613m! wd thousand three hundred dollars. thm °l°’k°' For compensation of the surveyor-general of Illinois and Missouri, gnii the clerks in his office,1'ive thousand eight hundred and twenty o ars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Louisiana, and the clerks in his olhce, four thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Florida, and the clerks in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Wisconsin and Iowa, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Arkansas, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Oregon, and the clerks in his office, six thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyori-general of Califomia, and the clerks in his office, eighteen thousand nve hundred dollars. For clerks in the offices of the surveyor-general, including the office in Oregon, to be apportioned to them according to the exigencies of the public service, and to be employed irftranscribing field-notes of surveys for the purpose of preserving them at the seat of Government, thirty- three thousand dollars. Llgbrhouse Establishment. —— For supplying lighthouses, containing Lighthouses. three thousand two hundred and seventy-two lamps, with oil, tubeglasses, wicks, buii-skins, whiting, and cotton cloth, transportation, and other expenses on the same, and for repairing and keeping in repair the lighting apparatus, one hundred and eighty-two thousand three hundred and thirty dollars and seventy-eight cents. For repairs and incidental expenses, relitting and improvements of lighthouses and buildings connected therewith, one hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars. For salaries of three hundred and twenty-one lighthouse keepers and twenty-four assistants, (twenty-four of them charged with double lights, and two with triple lights,) and including one thousand two hundred dollars fo1‘ salary of an inspector of lights on the upper lakes, one hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and eighteen dollars and thirty- three cents. For salaries of forty-two keepers of light-boats, twenty-three thousand dollars. For seamcn’s wages, repairs and supplies of light-boats, one hundred and three thousand six hundred and sixty-four dollars and fifty-two cents. For expenses of weighing and mooring, cleansing and repairing, and supplying losses of beacons, buoys, chains, and anchors, fifty-nine thousand and fifty-seven dollars and thirty-two cents.