Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1097

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TREATY WITH THE SHAIVNEES. MAY 10, 1854. 1053 FRANKLIN PIERCE, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; May 10, 1854. TO ALL AND STEGULAR TO Wn0M THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME,GREETING1 WITEREAS a treaty was made and concluded on the tenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, by George W'. llrlanypenny, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the following named delegates, representing the bands of Shawnees who were parties to the treaties of seventh November, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-tive, and eighth of August, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, viz: Joseph Parks, Black Hoof; George McDougal, Longtail, George Blue Jacket, Graham Rogers, Wa-urah-ehe—pa-e-ka1·, or Black Bob, and Henry Blue Jacket, thereto duly authorized by said tribe, which treaty is in the words following, to wit:-— Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at the city of 'Washington, this tenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, by George W. Manypenny as Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the following named delegates, representing the bands of Shawnees who were parties to the treaties of seventh of November, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five; and eighth of August, one thou— sand eight hundred and thirty-one, viz: Joseph Parks, Black Hoof, George McDougal, Longtail, George Blue Jacket, Graham Rogers, Wawah-che—pa-e-kar, or Black Bob, and Henry Blue Jacket, they being thereto duly authorized by the now united tribe of said Shawnee Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Shawnee tribe of Indians hereby cede and convey to Cessior; m the the United States, all the tract of country lying west of the State of Mis- United Shams Of souri, which was designated and set apart for the Shawnees in fulfilment reserve` of, and pursuant to, the second and third articles of a convention made between William Clark, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and the chiefs and headmen of the Shawnee nation of Indians, at St. Louis, on the __ seventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, V°]·""·P·285· which said tract was conveyed to said tribe, (subject to the right secured by the second article of the treaty made at Wapaghkonetta, on the eighth day August, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one,) by John Tyler, President of the United States, by deed bearing date the eleventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four-— said tract being de- _ scribed by metes and bounds as follows: “Beginning at a point in the %°f·;"g{‘;`;°s °f western boundary of the State of Missouri, three miles south of where Sm I S ` said boundary crosses the mouth of Kansas River, thence continuing south and coinciding with said boundary for twenty-five miles; thence due west one hundred and twenty miles; thence due north, until said line shall intersect the southern boundary of the Kansas reservation; thence due east, coinciding with the southern boundary of said reservation, to the termination thereof; thence due north, coinciding with the eastern boun— dary of said reservation, to the Southern shore of the Kansas River, thence along said southern shore of said river, to where a line from the place of beginning drawn due west, shall intersect the same " -— estimated to contain · Sixteen hundred thousand acres, more or less, (excepting and reserving zogggglggfgs °‘~ therefrom, two hundred thousand acres, for homes for the Shawnee peo- ’ ' ple ——which said two hundred thousand acres is retained, as well for the benefit of those Shawnees, parties .to the treaty of August eighth, one