Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/112

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92 THIB.TY·-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 108. 1852. Watohmem. For compensation of two watchmon at the Presidenfs House, at a salary of five hundred dollars each per annum, one thousand dollars. Gardener. For compensation of the public gardener, twolvo hundred dollarsf Laborers. For compensation of sixteen laborers employed m the public grounds and Presidcufs garden, at forty dollars per month, seven thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. Iron sottccs. To enable the Secretary of die Interior to purchase a. suitable number of iron settecs to be placed in tho public grounds at the Capitol and Prosidc11t’s House, the sum of eight hundred and forty dollars. Gm-keeper. For compensation of the kccpcr of the western gate of the Capitol grounds, seven hundred and thirty dollars. Additional For compensation of two additional day—wa.tchmen, to be employed in ""°°bm°”· preserving the public grounds about the Capitol, authorized by the act; 185°,<=h·1°· fifteenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty, to supply deficiencies, and 1850, oh. 90. the act of thirtioth September, eighteen hundred and Hfby, making appropriations for the civil andjliplomatic expenses of Government, at five hundred dollars each, one thousand dollars. Mmexmneoue. For compensation of tho messenger in charge of the main furnace in the Capitol, three hundred and nfty dollars. F or compensation of the laborer in charge of the water-closets in the Capitol, three hundred and sixty-five dollars. For cart hire upon the public grounds, one thousand dollars. For the purchase of manure for the public grounds, one thousand dollm. For the purchase of tools for laborers, Eve hundred dollars. For the purchase of trees and tree-boxes, to replnee when necessary such as have been lzmtod by the United States, and fo1·.ropairs of pavements in front of tlgc public grounds, thirteen hundred dollars. Grades Of To complete and revise the grades of the city of Washington, and to “’°°t" determine the plans for the drainage and sewerage thereof, six thousand dollars; the surveys and plans to be made by the engineer now in célmrgc of that duty, under the direction of the President of the United tutes. Suppw of wa.- To enable the President of the United States to cause the necessary 3; Em aging; surveys, projects, and estimates to be made for determining the best wm g means of affording the cities of Washington and Georgetown an unfailing Repo", to M and abundant supply of good and wholesome w:>.tcr—report thereof to be made. made to Congress at its next scssion——the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be found necessary. Smots, sw. For dofraying the expenses incurred in the improvement and for embollishing the triangular space on the north side of Pennsylvania Avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, five thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. Insane Asylum. To enable the Secretary of the Interior, under the direction of the President of the United Smtes,to purchase a. site in the neighborhood of Washington, and for tho erection, furnishing, and fitting up of an asylum for the insane of the District of Columbia, and of the army and navy of Pyoyism tho United States, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That the whole expense of purchasing the sito, and of erecting, furnishing, and fitting up the building, shall not exceed the sum herein appropriated. Bridges- For compensation of two draw-kccpors,m1d for fuel and oil for the lamps of the Potomac Bridge, one thousand three hundred and seventy- seven dollars aud Eftzy cents. P¤¤w¤- For the support, care, and medical treatment in the Washington In- Brmary, of twelve transient paupcrs, medical and surgical patients, two

 thegxsund dollars.
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pm' fourteen thousand eight 11undrcd€}0llars. Bridges- For compensation of two draw-keepers, and for fuel and oil for the