Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1149

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CONVENTION WITH RUSSIA. JULY 22, 1854. 1105 Q BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. July 22, 1854. A PROOLAMATION. Wmmnas a convention, between the United States of America and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at Washington, on the 22d day of July last; which convention, being in the English and French languages, is, word for word, as follows:- The United States of America Les Etats—Unis d’Amerique et sa p,c,,m,,,, and his Majesty the Emperor of all Majesté l’Empereur de toutes les ` the Russias, equally animated with Russies animés d’un égal desir de a. desire to maintain, and to pre- maintenir et de préserver de toute serve from all harm, the relations atteiute les rapports de bonne intelliof good understanding which have gence qui ont de tout temps si at all times so happily subsisted be- heureusement subsisté entre euxtween themselves, as also between memes, comme entres les habitans the inhabitants of their respective de leurs Etats respectifs, ont résolu States, have mutually agreed toper- d’un commun accord de consacrer, petuate, by means of a formal con- par une convention formelle, les vention, the principles of the right prineipes du droit des neutres sur of neutrals at sea, which they re- mer qu’ils reconnaissent pour concognize as indispensable conditions ditions indispensables de toute of all freedom of navigation and liberté de navigation et de commaritime trade. For this purpose, merce maritime. A cet etfet, le the President of the United States President des Etats-Unis a muni de has conferred full powers onWilliam ses pleins pouvoirs le Sr. William Ncgctiators- L. Marcy, Secretary of State of the L. Marcy, Secretaire d’Etat des United States; and his Majesty the Etats·Unis; et sa Majesté l’Empe- Emperor of all the Russias has con- reur de toutes les Russies a muni ferred like powers on Mr. Edward des memes pouvoirs le Sr. Edouard de Stoeckl, Counsellor of State, de Stoeckl, Counseiller d’Etat, cheknight of the orders of Ste. Anne, valier des ordres de Ste. Anne de of the 2d class, of St. Stanislss, of la 2"‘° classe, de St. Stanislas de la the 4th class, and of the Iron Crown 4"" classe, et de la Couronne de fer of Austria, of the Sd class, his Ma- d’Autriche de la 3‘“° classe, chargé jesty’s charge d’aii'aires near the d’aH'aires de sa Majesté pres du government of the United States of gouvernement des Etats-Unis America: and said plenipotentiaries d’Amérique: lesquels plenipotenafter having exchanged their full tiaires, apres avoir échangé leurs powers, found in good and due form, pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne have concluded and signed the fol- et due forme, ont arrété et signé lowing articles : -— les articles suivans z - ARTICLE L ARTICLE 1. The two high contracting parties Les deux hautes parties conrecoguize as permanent and immu- tractantes reconnaissent comme per: table the following principles, to wit: manent et immuable le pnncxpe qut 1st. That free ships make free suit, savoir: goods-—that is to say, that the effects 1°. Que le pavilion couvre la 1.%,,,;,,,,,,,,, or goods belonging to subjects or marcbandise, (that free ships make mskeneegccds. citizens of a Power or State at war free goods,) e’est a dire, que les v01.. x. TnmA·r.-139