Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/179

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THlRTY—SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 69. 1853. 159 of this act, a notice in writing, setting forth his claim to the benefits of said section, and citing all required particulars in reference to such settlement claim; and all persons failing to give such notice on or prior to the iirst of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, shall be thereafter debarred from ever receiving any benefit under said fourth section. And all persons who, on the first December, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, shall have settled on_ surveyed lands in said Territory, in virtue of the provisions of the fifth section of the act of which this is amendatory, who shall fail to give notice in writing of such settlement, specifying the particulars thereof to the Surveyor-General of said Territory, on or prior to the first of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, shall be thereafter debarred from ever receiving the benefits of said fifth section. Sec. 7. And be it farther enacted, That from and after the iirst of Sale or the April, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, all public lands within the limits l““‘1*l;.‘£*°§°" of the townships surveyed or to be surveyed in said Territory, west of Loma,,;;;; the Cascade mountains, which shall not have been claimed under the provisions of the fourth and fifth sections of the act of which this is amendatory, or reserved for public uses by law, or order of the President, and excepting also mineral lands, shall be subject to public sale and private entry as other public lands of the United States; and so soon as he shall deem expedient, the President of the United States shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint a receiver of public Receiver to to moneys for the Territory of Oregon, west of the Cascade mountains, who °PP°m§‘:i Emi shall give bond and security, in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars, for pay an u °S' the faithful discharge of his official trust, and whose duties, under the laws in relation to the public lands of the United States in aid Territory, shall be the same as those of other like officers of the United States, and who shall be allowed not exceeding nve hundred dollars per annum for the safe-keeping and accounting for the public moneys by him received, including all charges for office rent and clerk hire; and at such time as the President of the United States shall deem it expedient, he shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a Register of Register fg bg the land office for the Territory of Oregon, west of the Cascade moun- ¤Dp<>i¤¤¤<l- _Hi¤ tains, who shall enter into bond, with sufficient security, for the faithful Pay me d°°‘°°' discharge of his ohicial duties, as other like officers, and whose duties and authority, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, shall be the same as those imposed by law on other like officers, consistently with the provisions of this act and of the act of which this is amendatory, and whose compensation shall be equal to that allowed to the Receiver of Une; ,,,0 ism Public Moneys to be appointed under this act; and until such Register is ¤pi¤>i¤w·l. ¤¤¤ shall have been appointed, and entered upon the discharge of his official §a‘}',:°ggQgY;° duties, the Surveyor-General of Oregon shall perform all the duties his duties. which shall appertain to such office. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That each widow now residing in mgm, of Oregon Territory, and such others as shall locate in said Territory, whose widows and husband, had he lived, would have been entitled to a claim under the rggozezféir provisions of the act to which this is an amendment, shall be entitled, 3,,; of 1350, under the provisions and requirements of said act, to the same quantity ¤h· 76· of land that she would have been but for the death of her husband; and that in case of the death of the widow prior to the expiration of the four years’ continued possession required by said act, to which this is an amendment, all the rights of the deceased miall inure unto and be vested in the heirs at law of such widow. Sec. 9. And be it fart/ter enacted, That all reservations heretofore, Lim;,,,,- as well as hereafter, made in pursuance of the fourteenth section of the amount or i-este act to which this is an amendment, shall, for magazines, arsenals, dock- gggxuggggga yards, and other needful public uses, except for forts, be limited to an act of 1850, amount not exceeding twenty acres for each and every of said objects at ch- 76, S80- It any one point or place, and for forts to an amount not exceeding six