Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/191

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 81, 82. 1853. 171 felony, and on conviction in any court of the United States having jurisdiction. thereof, shall pay a nne not exceeding two thousand dollars, or suffer imprisonment in a penitentiary not exceeding three years, or both, as the court in its discretion shall adjudge, and shall forfeit his office and be forever afterwards disqualified from holding any ofllce under the Government of the United States. Sec. 6. And be itfurtizer enacted, That if any person or persons shall, _ Penalty for directly or indirectly, promise, offer, or give, or cause or procure to be gggegéugicx" promised, offered, or given, any money, goods, right in action, bribe, pre- of members cli: sent, or reward, or any promise, contract, undertaking, obligation, or secu- C°¤&T°”· rity for the payment or delivery of any money, goods, right in action, bribe, present, or reward, or any other valuable thing whatever, to any member of the Senate or House of Representatives of the United States, after his election as such member, and either before or after he shall have qualified and taken his seat, or to any officer of the United States, or person holding any place of trust or pront, or discharging any official function under, or in connection with, any department of the Government of the United States, or under the Senate or House of Representatives of; the United States, after the passage of this act, with intenfto influence his vote or decision on any question, matter, cause, or proceeding which may then be pending, or may by law, or under the Constitution of the United States, be brought before him in his official capacity, or in his place of trust or profit, and shall be thereof convicted, such person or persons so offering, promising, or giving, or causing or procuring to be promised, offered, or given any such money, goods, right in action, bribe, present, or reward, or any promise, contract; undertaking, obligation, or security for the payment or delivery of any money, goods, right in action, bribe, present, or reward, or other valuable thing whatever, and the member, officer, or person who shall in anywise accept or receive the same, or any part thereof, shall be liable to indictment as for a high crime and misdemeanor in any court of the United States having jurisdiction for the trial of crimes and misdemeanors ; and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not exceeding three times the amount so offered, promised, or given, and imprisoned in a penitentiary not exceeding three years ; and the person convicted of so accepting or receiving the same, or any part thereof, if an officer or person holding any such place of trust or profit as aforesaid, shall forfeit his office or place; and any person so convicted under this section shall forever be disqualified to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit, under the United States. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of this act, and Exiééli of thi; of the act of July twenty~ninth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, entitled °;gi6?§h_ xt ° "An act in relation to the payment of claims," shall apply and extend to all claims against the United States, whether allowed by special acts of Congress, or arising under general laws or treaties, or in any other mauner whatever. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That nothing in the second and $¤<=fi<>¤¤ 2 Md third sections of this act contained shall be construed to apply to the SH2? g2,“gg3;.ti° prosecution or defence of any action or suit in any judicial court of the United States. Approved, February 26, 1853. Ch.u>.LXXXII.—-An Ao: to regulate the terms of the Distric: Court of the United Feb,26, mss. Siatesfor the District oflowu. -—-—--—— 1849, ch. 124. Be it enacted by the Senate and [muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That instead of three terms Tmm cfm_ annually of the District Court of the United States for the District of Iowa, mc, ,,0,,,., in as now prescribed by law, there shall hereafter be held annually six terms Iowa.