Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/199

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 91. 1853. 179 act shall take effect, shall be and they are hereby authorized and required to continue to exercise and perform the duties of their respective offices, as officers of said Territory, until they or others shall be duly elected or appointed, and qualified, to nil their places in the manner herein directed, or until their offices shall be abolished. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the Sum of five thousand Library. dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended, by and under the direction of the Governor of Washington, in the purchase of alibrary, to be kept at the seat of government for the use of the Governor, legislative assembly, Judges of the Supreme Court, secretary, marshal, and Attorney of said Territory, and such other persons, and under such regulations, as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 18. And be ityitrther enacted, That until otherwise provided for ¢¤rujt¤¤5¤dj¤di— by law, the Governor of said Territory may define the judicial districts °‘°‘l d“’l“°lS‘ of said Territory, and assign the judges wholmay be appointed for said . Territory to the several districts, and also appoint the times and places for holding courts in the several counties or subdivisions in each of said judicial districts by proclamation, to be issued by him; but the legislative assembly, at their first or any subsequent session, may organize, alter, or modify such judicial districts, and assign the judges, and alter the times and places of holding the courts, as to them shall seem expedient and proper. Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That all officers to be appointed GQ¢¤¤i¤ ¤*€<>¢1‘¤ by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for w gm b°"ds' the Territory of Washington, who, by virtue of the provisions of any law of Congress now existing, or which may be enacted during the present session of Congress, are required to give security for moneys that may be intrusted with them for disbursement, shall give such security at such time and place, and in such manner, as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That when the lands in said Ter- S<;<>¥·i¤¤¤ 16 Md ritory shall be surveyed under the direction of the Government of the §£i;ltg’§°g11,;Q:;: United States, preparatory to bringing the same into market or otherwise ed for schools. disposing thereof, sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in each township in said Territory shall be, and the same are hereby, reserved for the purpose of being applied to common schools in said Territory. And in all cases where said sections sixteen and thirty-six, or either or any Other sections of them, shall be occupied by actual settlers prior to survey thereof, the £;g:h;:°?:?°v?h;: County Commissioners of the counties in which said sections so occupied ,,l,l,,,,_lly settled as aforesaid are situated, be, and they are hereby, authorized to locate onother lands to an equal amount in sections, or fractional sections, as the case may be, within their respective counties, in lieu of said sections so occupied as aforesaid. Sec. 21. And be itfm-ther enacted, That the Territory of Oregon and _ __ dC<;P¢¤¤‘$¤* the Territory of Washington shall have concurrent jurisdiction over all u;!; il: offences committed on the Columbia River, where said river forms a Columbiaqwlnere common boundary between said Territories. ‘“ "‘ “ b°““d‘“`Y‘ Approved, March 2, 1853. nar. XCI.—An Act makin A ations orthe Su crt o the D/Hlita Aoadem nrc1x211S5B, C jbr the year ending the thirllietfhfoddm, one llliousand eight hurdfred and fif,l_l;fvu2·. y S5..-. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I I States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, Appr¢P¤¤·¤°¤· and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and hfty-four.