Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/26

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6 THIRTY—SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 35. 1852. United States, in and for the district of Delaware, shall hereafter be held at New Castle, in the said district, and there shall be two regular terms of the Circuit Court of the United States for the said district, which shall commence on the third Tuesday in June, and the third Tuesday in October, in this and every year hereafter; and four regular terms of the District Court of the United States for said district, which shall commence on the second Tuesday in April, the second Tuesday in June, the second Tuesday in September, and the second Tuesday in January hereafter. OMB of *h° Sec. 2. And be itfarther enacted, That the omce of the clerk of the $$3; iffpgf Circuit Court for said district, and the records. of. said court, shall be wam. kept at Wilmington or New Castle, in the said district, as may be directed by an order, in writing, made by the judges of the said Circuit Court, in term or vacation, and entered upon the records thereof; and that the office of the clerk of the said District Court and the records thereof shall be kept at either of the same places as may be directed by the judge of the said District Court, by an order made in term or vacation, and entered upon the records thereofl P¤><=5¤¤S wd pr¤· Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That no process issued or prof,;°df,Q*;i,°,,,:,‘g bt; ceedings pending in either of the said courts, shall be avoided or im— this act. paired by this change of the time and place of holding the said courts; but all process, bail-bonds or recognances [recognizances] returnable at the next term of either of the said courts, shall be returnable and returned to the term of said courts respectively next held according to this act, in the same manner as if so made returnable on the face thereof, and shall have full eifect accordingly; and all continuances may be made to conform to the provisions of this act. Armovnn, May 10, 1852. MBY 19, 185% CHAP. XXXV.—-An Act to authorize the Legislature of the State of Zmsszssippi to sell """*""···‘·· the Land,shheI1é'e3>/221;a(pL;3{r0pri<:i;edfor the Use af Sc/tools in that State, and to ratgfy and approve e es r y ma . Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Sale or leasing United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Legislature of ff the State of Mississippi shall be, and is hereby authorized to sell and therized. convey in fee-simple, or lease, for a term of years, as the said legislature may deem best, all or any part of the lands heretofore reserved and appropriated by Congress for the use of schools within said State, and to invest the money arising from said sales, as said legislature may direct, for the use and support of schools within the several` townships and districts of country for which they were originally reserved and set Proviso. apart, and for no other use, or purpose whatsoever: Provided, Said lands or any part thereof, shall, in no case be sold or leased without the consent of the inhabitants of such township or district to be obtained in such manner as the legislature of said State may by law direct: And Pvvviw provided further, That in all cases, the money arising from the sales of lands within a particular township and district, shall be appropriated to the use of schools within that township and district. 1j‘ormer sales Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That sales heretofore made by the

  • `”·m°d· authority of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi of lands reserved

and appropriated as aforesaid, are hereby ratified and approved in the ppm; manger apdago the same extent, as if this act had been in force at e une 0 said s es. Approved, May 19, 1852.