Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/261

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THIRTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 140. 1853. 241 For the erection of a light-house and keeper’s house on or near the breakwater at Bass River, being a reappropriation of the same sum appropriated by the act of September twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and 1860. ¤h- 77- fifty, four thousand dollars. Towards the erection of a light-house on the rocks called the “Sow and Pigs,” near the entrance of Buzzard’s Bay, to take the place of the light-vessel now stationed there, being a reappropriation of the same sum appropriated by the act of September twenty-eight, eighteen hundred 77- and fifty, thirty thousand dollars. For a light-vessel to be moored off Minot’s Ledge, in addition to the sum appropriated at the last session of Congress, six thousand dollars. 1952. ch- 112- Rhode Island. -- For buoys to be placed on the following points: “Old Rhode Island. Newton," " the Sisters," “Brig Ledge," “(Narragansett Bay,)" “Sandy I’oint," “(B1ock Island,)" and "Taursett Point," (near Wickford,) five hundred dollars. For erecting a beacon—light at “Seine Rock," Newport Harbor, one thousand dollars. Connecticut.- For buoys in New Haven Harbor, two hundred dollars. Connecticut. For buoy on Penticld Reef, one hundred and fifty dollars. For beacon on Race Rock, Long Island Sound, seven thousand dollars. For the erection of one or more beacon-lights below Middletown, on the Connecticut River, and for the erection of buoys and spindles, three thousand dollars. For the erection of a fog-bell or whistle, as the light-house board shall determine, on Pine Island, in Fisher’s Island Sound, one thousand dollars. New 1Grlc.·—— For a small light on or near Carlton Head, and for re- New Yorkpairing or rebuilding Tibbit’s Point light-house, five thousand dollars. For a fog-bell or whistle, to be worked by machinery, to be placed on the South Pier near the light-house at Buffalo, two thousand five hundred dollars. For a new light-vessel to take the place of that now moored off Sandy Hook, in addition to the sum appropriated at the last session of Congress, two thousand dollars. Mw J?arsey.——For buoys to be placed on Absecum Bar and in the New Jersey. Inlet, (a harbor of refuge,) eight hundred dollars. Delaware.-For beacons and buoys for Delaware Bay, to complete Deiswsro. the necessary beaconage and buoyage in the lower part of the river and bay, five thousand dollars. rUichigan.— For a light-house on Point Betsey, Lake Michigan, five Michigan. thousand dollars. For a light-house at Grand Island Harbor, Lake Superior, Eve thousand dollars. For a light-house at Rock Harbor, Isle Royal, Lake Superior, five thousand dollars. For a fog-bell, to be worked by machinery, for Thunder Bay Island light-house, Lake Huron, two thousand five hundred dollars. For erecting a light-house at the mouth of Portage River, five thousand dollars. For the erection of a light-house at Point Iroquois, or on the Island off Point Aux·chens,as the Light-house Board shall determine, five thousand dollars. For making the foundations of two light-houses, one to be a beacon light, on the Saint Clair Flats, ten thousand dollars; the places to be selected and the work executed under the direction of the Topographical Bureau. Ohio.-For a. beacon of solid masonry, to be placed on a reef lying Ohio. in the track of vessels at the west end of Lake Erie, near the South Shore, off Bois Blanc and near Touissant River, three thousand dollars. vm., x. PUB. -- 31