Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/312

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292 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cir. 60. 1854. Audifvf of P05f- For contingent GXp€IlSGS of lllé 0mGG of $116 A\1dll701’ of tl.16 Post-Office g$° D°p°'tf Department, viz : Miéceumwus For miscellaneous and printing prior to the fourth of March, one thouand printing be- sand eight hundred and flfty-tl1ree, three thousand three hundred and §‘;:§°1§°Q;’f ninety dollars and ninety-eight cents ; Printing sm For printing, furniture, and labor since the fourth of March, one thou- - since hah St sand eight hundred and nfty-three, two thousand four hundred and Mm-’ 185* twenty-seven dollars and fourteen cents· Mm M, San For salaries of ofiieers and clerks iii Branch Mint at,San Francisco, I{'¤¤~¤¤i¤<=<>, ¤¤T¤· California, twelve thousand six hundred and seventy dollars; mgm?"' tnT·l‘§’tl'T’§$£u£23k1’iZ$Ztliu5S32E5E3T; ““ Sm` °““f°“‘“" wor men. - ‘ 3 Contingent ex.- For incidental and contingent expenses of the Branch Mint at San Egzfs “" *’h° Francisco, California, four thousand two hundred dollars ; Ag,?), Om, For salaries of officers and clerks in Assay Oihce, New York, twelve Nsw ¤rk· thousand nine hundred dollars ; For wages of workmen in Assay Ofhce, New York, twelve thousand five hundred dollars- For incidental arid contingent expenses in Assay Office, New York, twenty-one thousand dollars; Mint at sm For the employment of workmen, materials, and other expenses neces- F1"¤·¤<>i¤°°· sary to put the Branch Mint at San Francisco, California, in operation, forty thousand dollars · Agricultural For the collection of agricultural statistics and the procurement and ¤*I*;};j;}£°·u u f distribution of seeds and cuttings, to be expended under the direction of Seeds. u ° ° the Commissioner of Patents, ten thousand dollars; . New Mexico. To complete the public buildings in New Mexico, fifty thousand dollars · Territory of For linishing the Capitol and Territorial Prison in the Territory of Min- Mi¤¤¤¤¤f¤· nesota, and grading and fencing the grounds of same, ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Department of hggggim M. For the increased compensation of the Secretary of the Interior, from ynmm the fourth of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, to the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, two thousand “ six hundred and fifty-Eve dollars and fifty-five cents; S,,m8,0,._G,_ For the increased compensation of the Surveyor-General of Oregon, emlof regon. from the third of March one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three to the thirtieth of June, ond thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, one thhusand three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and seventy-seven cents; 5m·v,,y0t.q6,. For rent of Surveyor—General’s office in California, purchase of instru- ¤¤¤¤I’¤ OHM in ments, records, drawing materials, furniture fuel and pay of messenoers °°m°"‘i“' four thousand dollars; , , D , l For compensation of a Draughtsman and Clerks for the office of the Surveyor-General of California, ten thousand dollars; cmaugm ox. For contingent expenses in the office of the Commissioner of Pensions: V s pt$¤a»¤¤¤ <>f§i¤¤ For stationery, one thousand dollars; for binding books, one thousand

 of P °““r dollars; for office furniture, one thousand dollars; for printing and en-

, - graving b0unty·1and certificates, one thousand five hundred dollars; for t miscellaneous items one thousand five hundred dollars; Iowa, Minus- For continuing the surveys in the northern portions of Iowa, Minne- °°*·¤» w*¤°°¤¤i¤· got? and Wisconsin, at the rates now authorized by law, forty thousand l dollars ·

  • i;:?;?:;;] Engr Foriaaying pensions, under the act of the third of February, one thou-

, · ‘ wand eight hundred and fifty-three, one hundred and twenty-eightthou· P¤¤¤i¤¤¤ of sand dollars; $‘§°;f:v°;‘f"l:{lh ° For paying pensions of invalids who were wounded on board of private Great Britain. armed vessels during the last war with Groat Britain, from the first of