Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/332

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‘i 312 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 108, 109. 1854. Salary of the increased to the sum of three thousand dollars ; and that of the Secreta. ¤¤¢¤'°¤>Yi°¤· ries of Oregon, Washington, Utah, mid New MEXICO, to the sum of two thousand dollars per annum. sorry or Sec. 2. And be tz fm/zer enacted, That the annual salaries of the °m°f»l““l$‘° md Chief Justice and Associate Judges of the T€l`I`ll0I`y of Minnesota bg ju. 8.S60Gl8>iI6 J`l1dg6S of Minnesota. creased to two thousand dollars. Approved, July 27, 1854. July 27, 1854. Cmip. CVIII. —-An Act making Appropriatiwns jbr the Payment of Invalid and other `”"—"_— Pensions of the United States for ilu: year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and _]?,/lgyivc. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Appropriation. States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five; For invalid pensions, under various acts, three hundred and twelve thousand five hundred dollars; 1836,0h-362- For pensions to widows and orphans, under acts of the fourth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and twenty-first of July, 1848, ch. 108. one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, ninety-six thousand dollars; 1888,,,;,, 18g_ For pensions to widows, under acts of the seventh of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, third of March, one thousand eight 1848,ch- 102- hundred and forty-three, and seventeenth of June, one thousand eight 1844, oh. 102. hundred and forty-four, ten thousand dollars ; 134;;, 01;,3, For pensions to widows, under acts of the second of February, one ]8,S’,,h_120_ thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, and twenty-ninth of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, fifty-six thousand dollars; 1858, ch. 41. For pensions and half-pay to widows and orphans, under act of the third of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, three hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred dollars. Armovmn, July 27, 1854. July vv 185*- CHAP. CIX. ·—-An Act making Provikionjbr the Postal Service in the State of Calghrnia and in the Territories of Oregon and Washington. _ Bé it enacted by the Senate and House q" Representatives of the United f°}*g;§Q;;_*;,';’§” States of America in Omzgress assembled, That the Postmaster-General iwm, from my be; and he is hereby, authorized to empower the special agents of the D¤§¤-<>Hi¢¤-—·f:l1>— Post-Oihoe Department in the State of California, and in the Territories £g§’$?m° °° of Oregon and Washington, to appoint letter·carriers for the delivery of letters from any post-office in the said State or Territories, and to allow any letter-carrier so appointed to demand and receive a sum for all let- , ters, newspapers, or other mailable matter, not more than may be recom- _ mended rby the postmaster for whose office such letter-carrier may be P¤>'¤¤°· appointed: Provided, That not more than twenty-five cents shall be charged 'for any letter, newspaper, or ounce of other mailable matter. All such appointments may be determined, and rates of compensation modified within the limits aforesaid, whenever the same is found expev,3:"“‘°" P"°* diem in the opinion of the appointing agent: And it is further provided, That all such appointments and contracts shall be subject to the approval of the Postmaster-General; and upon notice to any carrier of his rejection by the Postmaster-General, his appointment and contract shall be determined; and that all the letter-carriers appointed in pursuance of this act shall be subject to the provisions of the forty-first section of the 19¤6,<=h·270· act entitled "An act to change the organization of the Post—Office Department, and to provide more eifectually for the settlement of the accounts thereof," approved July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,