Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/683

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sicss. H. Ch. 175. 1855. 663 For compensation of four draw-keepers at the Potomac—bridge, and for fuel, oil, and lamps, three thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars. For compensation of twodraw-keepers at the two bridges across the eastern branch of the Potomac, and fuel, oil, and lamps, one thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. For compensation of the Auxiliary Guard, fuel, and oil for lamps, nineteen thousand four hundred dollars. For support, care, and medical treatment of eighteen transient paupers, medical and surgical patients, in `Washington inlirmary, three thousand dollars. For purchase of manure for the public grounds, one thousand dollars. For hire of carts on the public grounds, one thousand dollars. For purchase and repair of tools used in the public grounds, five hundred dollars. For purchase of trees and tree—boxes, to replace, where necessary, such as have been planted by the United States, and the repair of pavements in front of the public grounds, five thousand dollars. For compensation of one night watchman employed for the better protection of the buildings lying south of the Capitol, and used as public stables and carpenter’s shop, six hundred dollars. For annual repairs of the Capitol, wa.ter—closets, public stables, waterpipes, pavements, and other walks within the Capitol square, broken glass, and locks, five thousand dollars. For annual repairs of the Presidents house, improvement of grounds, purchasing trees and plants for garden, and making hotbeds therein, six thousand dollars. For removing the stone wall which now forms the southern boundary of the park at the Presidents in accordance with the recommendation and plan submitted by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, fifteen thousand dollars. For removing the old engine-house of the Franklin Fire Company from the triangular space on Pennsylvania Avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, and inclosing said space with an iron fence, and improving it, six thousand dollars. For removing the present dome over the central portion of the Capitol, Dome of the and the construction of one upon the plan as designed by Thomas U. C“P"°l· Walter, architect of the Capitol extension, under the direction of the President of the United States, one hundred thousand dollars. For public reservation number two, and Lafayette Square, three thousand dollars. For inelosing the circle at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue with New Hampshire Avenue, and K and Twenty-Third Streets, and improving the space within said circle, three thousand dollars. For inclosing the triangular space, upon which the western markethousc recently stood, with an iron fence, and improving the same, five thousand dollars. For repairs of Pennsylvania Avenue, one thousand dollars. For footway on north front of the President/s house, in lieu of the brick pavement now much broken, containing seventeen thousand one hundred and seventy~six square feet, at twenty~eight cents per toot, three thousand eight hundred and nine dollars and twenty-eight cents. For finishing the brick pavement on the south front of Lafayette Square, one thousand dollars. For purchase of books for library at the executive mansion, to be Pi·es.ident’s Gxpended under the direction of the President of the United States, two 1lb”*’·r.Y· hundred and fifty dollars. To complete and revise the grades of the city of Wasliington, and tvashingtou. to determine the plans tbr the drainage and sewerage thereof, per act