Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/685

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TI·IIR'I`Y¢'I`HIRD CONGRESS, Sess. II. Ch. 175. 1855. 665 And the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, directed to cause to Building l" be constructed on such site, in a central position on the public grounds, mir in the city of Washington, as may be selected by the President of the trophics,&c.¤.nd United States, a suitable building for the care and preservation of the °; ordinance, and arms, and accoutrements of the United States, required ljumldigflc for the use of the volunteers and militia of the District of Columbia, and for the care and preservation of the military trophies of the revolutionary and other wars, and for {the deposit of newly-invented and model arms, for the military service, the said ordnance and arms, and the building to be used by the volunteers and militia of the District of Columbia, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the President, and for the purpose of carrying this act into effect, the sum of thirty thousand dollars be, and the same hereby is, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and Deticiency upthe same are hereby, appropriated, to supply deficiences in the appro- P*°P“““°““· priations for the service of the fiscal year, ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, namely:-- For additional to the appropriations by the act of fourth August, eighteen 1854, oh. 108 hundred and fifty-four, for the contingent expenses of the Senate, viz: For binding, thirty thousand dollars. For lithographing and engraving, twenty-five thousand dollars. For the House of Representatives, viz:-- For twenty-four copies of “Globe ” for each member and delegate of Globe and yo. the second session of the thirty-third Congress, seventeen thousand three P¤¤¤i¤8· hundred and fifty-two dollars. For binding twenty-four copies of Globe for each member and delegate of the second session of the thirty-third Congress, six thousand nine hundred and forty dollars and eighty cents. For reporting the debates of the second session of the thirty-third Congress, seven thousand five hundred dollars. To enable John C. Rives to pay to the reporters of the House for the R°P°*‘*°”· Congressional Globe, viz: `William W. Curran, William Hincks, Francis H. Smith, John J. McElhone, Theodore F. Andrews, Charles B. Collar, and Henry G. Hayes, the same amount of additional compensation for reporting the debates of the House for the present session of Congress, as has been heretofore paid them, eight hundred dollars each, five thousand six hundred dollars: And for the payment of a like sum to each of the reporters of the Senate, namely: Richard Sutton,. D. F. Murray, [D. F. Murphy,] R. M. Patterson, Henry Pardon, James J. Murphy, and David W. Brown, four thousand eight hundred dollars. ` To pay for twenty-four copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix of the first session of the present Congress, for each of the delegates from Nebraska and Kansas, being forty-eight copies, at six dollars per copy, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars; and for binding the same, one hundred and ninety-two volumes, at sixty cents a volume, one hundred and fifteen dollars and twenty cents. For additional amount required for binding documents, thirty thousand Binding, &c. dollars. For additional amount required for engraving and lithographing, thirty thousand dollars. For the payment of salaries and other expenses of the Census Bureau, Census bureau. until the completion of the mortality statistics, five thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. For supplying a deficiency in the appropriation for the printing of the Printing. executive departments, thirty-two thousand eight hundred and seventy- tive dollars. For the completion of the printing of the Senate, ordered at the present session, and paper for the same, thirty thousand dollars. von. x. Pu1s.—84