Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/699

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THIRTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 198. 1855. 679 At Norfolk, Wrginia. --For repairs of hospital and dependencies, one Norfolk. thousand two hundred dollars. At Pensacola, Florida. —-For water-closets, lightning conductors, Pensacola. draining ponds, wall around burial-ground, and repairs of all kinds, nineteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars. For Magazines: M¤S¤¤i¤°¤· At Portsmouth, Mw Hampshire.-- For repairs of all kinds, five I’°*‘·*m°*‘*h· hundred dollars. At Boston, .Massachusetts.—- For fire-proof building for loaded shells, B°“°“· house for unloaded shells and workshop, platforms for stowing shot, addition to storehouse for gun-carriages, and for repairs of all kinds, twenty-two thousand dollars. At New York, New York. New York. For gunner’s house, at Ellis’s Island, machinery, and tltting—room for its use, gun—carriage shop, building for stowing gun-carriages, fire-proof building for loaded shells, building for unloaded shells, shot platforms, stowage, and transportation of guns, and for repairs of all kinds, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. At Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. For a nre-proof building for loaded shells, purchase of land, magazine, and keeper’s house, and fitting-room for ordnance stores, twenty thousand dollars. At Washington, District of Columbia. lvaohington. For a cap machine, (Wright’s patent,) rebuilding experimental battery, and fuel for ordnance foundry, nine thousand five hundred dollars. At Norfolk, Virginia. Norfolk, For fitting up storehouse for filling, shot platforms, and gun-skids, ten thousand dollars. At Pensacola, Florida. Pensacola. For a iire—proof house for loaded shells, fitting-room for ordnance stores, gun-skids, shot platforms, and repairs of magazines, eight thousand dollars. Jllarine O'orps.——For pay of the officers, non-commissioned officers, Marino corps. musicians, and privates, clerks, messengers, stewards, and servants; for rations and clothing for servants, subsistence and additional rations for tive years’ service of officers; for undrawn clothing and rations, bounties for reénlistments, and pay for unexpired terms of previous service, three hundred and twenty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-three dollars and ninety-four cents. For provisions for marines serving on shore, forty thousand nine hundred and thirty-four dollars and seventy-five cents. For clothing, fifty-five thousand two hundred and sixty-four dollars. For fuel, twenty thousand one hundred and eighty dollars and sixty- two cents. _ For military stores, repairs of arms, pay of armorer; for accoutrcments, ordnance stores, flags, drums, lifes, and musical instruments; nine thousand dollars. For transportation of officers and troops, and expenses of recruiting, twelve thousand dollars. For repairs of barracks, and rent of temporary barracks and offices, eight tllousand dollars. For contingencies, viz: Freight, ferriage, cartage, and wharfage; compensation to judges advocate; pcr diem for attending courts-martial and courts of inquiry; for constant labor, h0use—rent in lieu of quarters, burial of deceased marines, printing, advertising, stationery, forage, postage, pursuit of desertcrs, candles, oil, straw, furniture, bed-sacks, spades, shovels, axes, picks, and carpenters tools, expense of a horse for messenger, pay of matron, washerwomen, and porter for the hospital at headquarters, thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars.