Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/779

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THIRTY—SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 15. 739 [N0. 15.] Joint Rcsolzttionjbr the Reliefoof Elizabeth E Thurston, of the Territory of July 17, 1g5g_ 8g0T!. -..·..;.;. Whereas, Samuel R. Thurston, now deceased, late a Delegate in Con- Preamble. gress from the Territory of Oregon, did, during the period of his official term as such Delegate, frank to Linn City, in said Territory, to the address of himself and wife sundry books and documents; and whereas the acting deputy Post-Master at Linn City aforesaid, has refused to deliver up to Elizabeth F. widow of said Samuel R. Thurston, deceased, the said books and documents, under the allegation that the same were improperly franked, and demanding the payment of postage thereon as a condition precedent to their delivery; therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and Ihuae of Representatives of the Unit- Certain books ed States of America in Congress assembled, That the Post—Master·Gene- g;‘{l`}L*:gS‘”·:Q b° ral be, and he is hereby directed to cause the Acting Deputy Post-Mas- ]g1gz,F_T1mm¤¤ ter at Linn City, in the territory of Oregon, to deliver up to Elizabeth b>*¤h¢Ip<>¤t-g%¤;·¤· F. Thurston, widow of said Samuel R. Thurston, deceased, all such geg,,,_"lf-,1,,81 Ztbooks and documents so withheld as aforesaid, franked by, and belong- postage. ing to the said Samuel R. Thurston without post—office or other charges thereon. Approved, July 17, 1852.