Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/79

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 104. 1852. 59 For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland. thirty thousand dollars. For the further im rovement of the harbor of Fair ort at the mouth · · . of Grand River, Ohid; ten thousand dollars. P ’ Fmmom (Ohm.) ' For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Ashtabula, Ohio, ten Ashtabula. thousand dollars. O For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Erie, Pennsylvania, Erie, (Penn.) e thirty thousand dollars. Z For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Dunkirk, New York, D¤¤ki1'k· thirty thousand dollars. For repairing the sea-wall at the harbor of Buffalo, New York, four- Buffalo. teen thousand dollars. » For constructing a steam-dredge, equipment and discharging scows for steam-dredge Lake Erie, twenty thou and dollars. °¤ Leké Erie- For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Oak Orchard Creek, Oak Orchard Lake Ontario, New York, ten thousand five hundred dollars. Cmk H¤·*b°¤- For continuing the removal of obstructions in the harbor at the mouth Genesee River. gfhthe Genesee River, Lake Ontario, New York, twenty thousand o ars. For the improvement of the harbor of Sodus Bay, Lake Ontario, Ca- Sodus Bay. yuga county, New York, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Oswego, Lake On- Oswego. tario, New York, forty thousand dollars. For constructing a steam-dredge, equipment, and discharging soows Sm,m_d,.,,dgc for Lake Ontario, twenty thousand dollars. on Lake Ontmo. For a survey of the Rappahannock River, Virginia, three thousand Rappahannock dollars. River, For a survey of Taunton River and New Bedford harbor, Massachu- Taunton River setts, three thousand dollars. Md N- B<>¤¥"<>¤‘d For improving the Kennebeck River from the United States arsenal Hm;°r' beck wharf, in Augusta, Maine, to Lovejoy’s Narrows, six thousand dollars. Rgvmsnm For a survey of San Antonio River, Texas, one thousand five hundred Sm, Antonio dollars. River. For surveys of the harbors at Sabine, Galveston,` Paso Cavallo, Ve- Hurbvrs in lasco, Brazos de Santiago, and Corpus Christi, and the rivers Sabine, T°"““‘ Brazos, and Trinity, Texas, ive thousand dollars. _ For repairing the public works at Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, bg;}m° Egg Him eight thousand five hundred dollars. ` For a survey of East Pascagoula River, Mississippi, five thousand m§érP”°”%°“1° dollars. ` For a survey of Providence harbor, Rhode Island, fifteen hundred PF°Vld€¤¢¤· dollars. For a survey and examination of the falls of the Ohio River, by a Fa§1S“Yi_°g1°,€),fxl¤° board of topographical and civil engineers to be appointed by the Secre- Bold em s' tary of War, to report upon the expediency of an additional canal around Consmumd M3 said falls, and the comparative cost, advantages, and disadvantages of toreport. making such additional canal on the Kentucky and Indiana shores of said river respectively, and also the cost, advantages, and disadvantages of enlarging and extending the present canal so as to avoid the rocks at Sandy Island; retaining the present locks in their present condition, ive thousand dollars. For the repair of the sea·wall at Marblehead, Massachusetts, five hun- _ M¤»¤‘bl¢h<=¤d· dred dollars. For a survey of the harbor of Georgetown, South Carolina, three thou- SGg<>¤g¢¤>W¤. sand dollars. (') For a survey of Shrewsbury River, New Jersey, fifteen hundred dol- Riggféwsbufy lars. ` For repairing the piers at Kennebunk, Maine, seven thousand five K<=¤¤¢b¤¤k· hundred dollars.