Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/90

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70 THIR.TY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 106. 1852. Boiler plates Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That all plates of boiler-iron shell to be S*¤mP°d· be distinctly end permanently stamped in such manner as the Secretary of the 'Preasury shell prescribe, and if practicab1e, in such place or places that the mark shall be left visible after the plates are worked into boilers ; with the name of the manufacturer, the quality of the iron, and whether or not hammered, and the place where the same is manufactured. _Penalty_for Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That it shall be unlawful to use g‘;Q§Q€Ig;5‘g’“g in such vessel for generating steam for power, a boiler, or steam-pipe hereaiter or mi- connecting the boilers made after the passage of this act, of any iron ¤¤¤Y¤1>•>d 1>l¤f¢S· unless it has been stamped by the manufacturer as herein provided; and if any person shall make for use in enyfsuch vessel, a boiler, of iron not so stamped, intended to generate steam or power, he shall, or any such offence, forfeit five hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt by stny person suing for the same; and any person using or causing to be used in any such vessel such a. boiler to generate steam for power,· shall forfeit a. like sum for each offence. fruufegzglfyufzg Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall counter- 5mmés_ " feit the marks and stamps required by this act, or shall falsely stamp any boiler·ir0n, and be convicted thereof he shall be fined not exceeding five uSmgP$}Qg];!é'alf$* hundred dollars and imprisoned not exceeding two years. And if any 9; anothe, witg person or persons shall stemp or mark plates with the name or marks of Eégrét tv d<¤— enotheigglilingentt to mislead, deceive}; or ldefreud,1 such person or peré ' sons s e 1a. e 0 any one mjure there y, or a amage occa.sione b such fraud or dece tion. _ Nine Supervis- YSec. 18. And be igfwrther enacted, That in order to carry this act g;gbcg‘SP°§::;§¤ fully into eXecution, the President of the United States shall, with the PPOadvice of the Senate, appoint nine supervising inspectors, who shall be Thcir q¤¤Jifi- selected for their knowledge, skill, and experience in the uses of steam °*m°“s' for navigation, and who are competent judges not only of the character of vessels but of all parts of the machinery employed in steaming, To meet as a who shell assemble together at such places as they may agree upon once boayd M least in each year at least, for Joint consultation and the establishment of rules ycgtgy- t by h end regulations for their own conduct and that of the several boards of m,€S’Ym'fj ,*:545;;,1 inspectors within the districts, and also to assign to each of the said nine ximitsimy of mm rnsgéeegors the limits oft territory Evitliinjxvhich hlelshall ngrftornffhis duties. . . ~ n e sm su crvism ms cc ors s a eac e 2.1 or is services Elgzwglng m` after the rate ofpfiftcen hundlred dollars a year, and) in addition thereto, 'llieir expenses. his actual reasonable travelling expenses, incurred in the necessary perfbngnance ofdhis (duty when away from the principal port in his district, an certilic zm sworn to b him under such instructions as shall be trnnggggggn gl given by the Secretary of theyTre:tsury, who is hereby authorized to pay

,m,um9,,u of such salaries, and also such travelling expenses, and the actual reasoncxmgiiguxtgnét of ahle enpenses flhoth to themt and gtherlinspectors) oi tiiansporting fxiont

Supmmng and p ztce 0 p ace n e ins rumen s use in inspections, w ic expenses s a loca,] inspeegm, be roved to his satisfaction. u P,“°l°S_°f é)EC. 19. And be it further enacted, That the supervisinv inspectors B pcmsing m` hall watch over all ts of the territord th h {ll - ,p,,ct,,,.,,_ s _ par e y ussigne em, s a visit, con fer with, and examine into the doings of the several boards of inspectors, _ and shall, whenever they think it expedient, visit such vessels, licensed, and examine into their condition, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this act have been observed and complied with, both Their Hmm- by the board of inspectors end the master and owners; and it shall be me inqumcs to the duty of all masters, engineers, and pilots of such vessels, to answer pe answered and all reasonable inquiries and to give all the infomation in their power, {)‘f‘;i2g:f*afe£ in regard to any such vessel so visited, and her machinery for steaming, Duties as to and the manner of managing both. x>¤<>§¤¢¤¢i<3¤3 of Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That whenever a supervisinv inp°”“°'"Sn‘¥l"‘*i'€° s ector ascertfi t h`f ° b comply ,,,,1,,],,8 P rms 0 is satis action that the master, engineer, pilot, or acc. owner of any such vessel fail to perform their duties according to the