Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/907

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 194, 195, 196, 197. 1855. 867 CHAP. CXCIV. —-An Act for the Relief of James Holstin. March B, 1855. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, '1`hat James I·Iolstin, of Indiana, be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter in legal subdivisions, free of James Holstin cost, one hundred and sixty acres of any of the public lands of the United *’·“*h°*lZ°d P0 States subject to private entry at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five $:,:3 cmmn cents per acre; and, upon the return of a certificate therefor by the legally constituted officers, the Commissioner of the General Land-Office shall issue a patent in favour of said Holstin for the land so entered: Provided, That the same shall be in full satisfaction for losses sustained Prcviso. by said Holstin on account of the erroneous location made by him with military bounty-land warrant number eight thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, at the Vincennes land-office, on the first day of February, eighteen hundred and forty-eight. Approved, March 3, 1855. Cum-. CXOV,-—An Act jbr the Relief of the Widow <y" W Irving, deceased. Liaych 3, ]355, Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in. Congress assembled, That there be allowed and paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Sarah Irving Sarah Irving, the widow of lVi1liam Irving, deceased, the sum of four ;f,&°6};“ld hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents, in full for the services` of said Irving as acting superintendent of the Census Department, in addition to the amount which he has already received as clerk of the said department, for and during the same period that he discharged the duties of superintendent of said department. Approved, March 3, 1855. CHAP. CXCVI.-An Act jbr the Relie__f'<y"Mrs. Nancy Whatheiford, Uddow of Colonel March 3, 1865. lVm. Weatheiybrd, of the First Regiment llluzozs Vb unteers in t/ae Mexican Var. .-.1-; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior Nancy Weathbe, and he is hereby, directed to place the name of Nancy Weatherford, wi- °§f°*`%*° b° dow of WilliamWeatl1erford, colonel of the first regiment Illinois volunteers gig? rolimut PQ?] in the Mexican war, upon the roll of pensioners of the United States, and per month. for pay to her the sum of thirty dollars per month, to commence on the day of °“" Y"““‘ the deat of the said Colonel William Weatlierford, and continue for five years zgérovided, That she shall be entitled to the benefit of any general P“’Vl5°· act of ongress which may hereafter be passed, extending or continuing the half-pay of widows, as if she had been placed on the pension roll under the provisions of the act entitled "An act amending the act entitled ‘ An Act granting half-pay to widows or orphans, where their husbands and fathers have died of wounds received in the military service of the United States} in case of deceased officers and soldiers of the militia and volunteers, passed July fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six," approved 1848, eh_ 10g_ July twenty-one, eighteen hundred and forty-eight. Approved, March 3, 1855. CHAP. CXCVII.-An Act for the Relief of L. R. Lyon, and Dean S. Howard, ry" Much 3, 1855_ the State ry' New York. --——--—- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- P t ury of the United States cause to be paid to L. R. Lyon, and Dean S. Lyon *‘;?:":,‘°¥,O__;‘f Howard, late partners under the name and style of Lyon and Howard, of mi fgy q,-edging the State of New York, or to their legal representatives, out of any money m¤¤l¤M·