Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/927

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TREATY WITH GUATEMALA. MARCH 3, 1849. 883 party, the first shall remain out of tante, el primero permanecera fuera cannon-shot, and may send its boat, de tiro de canon y podra mandar with two or three men only, in su botc con dos 6 tres hombres solaorder to execute the said examina· mente para ejecutar el dicho exation of the papers concerning the men de los papeles concernientes ownership and cargo of the vessel, a la propiedad y carga del buque, without causing the least extortion, sin occasionar la menor estorsion, violence, or ill-treatment, for which violencia, o maltratamiento, por lo the commanders of the said armed que los comandantes del dicho buships shall be responsible, with their que armado seran responsables con persons and property; for which sus personas y bienes; acuyo efec— purpose, the commanders of the to los comandantes de buques arsaid private armed vessels shall, mados por cuenta de particulares before receiving their commissions, estaran obligados antes de entregive sufficient security to answer garseles sus comisiones a patentes for all the damages they may com- a dar fianza suficiente para responmit. And it is expressly agreed, der a los perjuicios quo causen. Y that the neutral party shall in no se ba convenido espresamente que case be required to go on board the en ningun caso se exigira ala parte examining vessel for the purpose neutral que vaya a bordo del buque of exhibiting her papers, or for any examinador con el fin de exhibir sus other purpose whatever. papeles 6 para cualquiera otro objeto sea el que fucre. Anrroua XXL Anr1cUL0 XXI. To avoid all kind of vexation Para evitar toda clase de veja- _Whut papers and abuse in the examination of men y abuso en el examen de los ’Qvil€,‘; the papers relating to the owner- papeles relatives a la propiedad de in 0,,,,, Og,, WM ship of the vessels belonging to the los buques pertenecicntes a los eiucitizens of the two contracting par- dadanos de las dos partes contraties, they have agreed, and do agree, tantes, han convenido y convienen, that in case one of them should be que en caso de que una de ellas engaged in war, the ships and ves— estuviera en guerra, los buques y sels belonging to the citizens of the bajeles pertenecientes a los ciudaother must be furnished with sea- danos de la otra seran provistos con letters or passports expressing the letras de mar 6 pasaportes esprename, property, and bulk of the ship, sando el nombre, propiedad, y taas also the name and place of habi- mano del buque, como tambien el tation of the master or commander nombre y lugar do la residencia del of said vessel, in order that it may maestre o comandante, a fin de que thereby appear that the ship really se vea que el buque real y verdaand truly belongs to the citizens of deramente pertenece a los ciudadaone of the parties. They have nos de una de las partes; y han likewise agreed, that such ships, convenido igualmente, que estando being laden, besides the said sea-let- cargados los es presados buques adeters or passports, shall also be pro- mas de las letras de mar 6 pasavided with certificates containing portes, estaran tambien provistos de the several particulars of the cargo certificados que contengan los porand the place whence the ship sail- menores del cargamento y el lugar ed, so that it may be known whether de donde salio el buque, para que any forbidden or contraband goods asf pueda saberse si hay a su bordo be on board the same; which cer- algunos efectos prohibidos o de contificates shall be made out by the trabando, cuyos certificados seran officers of the place whence the hechos por los odciales del lugar de ship sailed in the accustomed form; la procedencia del buque ei la forwithout which requisites said vessel ma acostumbrada; sin cuyos requimay be detained to be adjudged by sitos cl dicho buque puede ser dethe competent tribunal, and may be tenido para ser juzgado por el tri-