Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/947

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CONSULAR CONVENTION WVITH NEW GRANADA. LILY 4, 1850. 903 These documents, drawn up in au- hacer sobre asuntos mercautiles. theutic copies, certified by the con- Estos doeumentos, en copia auteusul, shall be admitted in the courts tica expedida. por el Consul, seran and offices of justice, and shall have admitidos en los juzgados i tributhe same validity as if they had nales,i tendrén el mismo valor que been authenticated before the same si hubiéran sido otorgédos ante los judges or courts. mismos jueces i tribunales. 6. They may determine on all 6. Arreglar todo lo relative alas Maysettle dismntters relating to injuries sustained averias que hayau sufrido en la mar P¤f¢S YBSPGCUUS at Sea by effects and merchandise los efectos i mercancias embarcédos v°°S°ls‘ shipped in vessels of the nation in en buques de la nacion a que sirva. whose service the consul is employ- el Consul, que lleguen al puerto en ed arriving at the place of his resi- que este reside, siempre que no dence, provided that there be no haya estipulaciones contrarias entre stipulations to the contrary between los armadores, los cargadores i los the shippers, owners, and insurers. aseguradores. Pero si se hallareu But if; among the persons interested interesados en tales averias, habiin such losses and injuries, there tantes del pais clonde resida el Conshould be inhabitants of the country sul, i que no sean de la nacion aque where the consul resides, and not este sirva, toca a. las Autoridades belonging to the nation in whose locales el conocér i resolver sobre service he is, the cognizance of such dichas averias. losses and injuries appertains to the local authorities. 7. They may compromise amica- 7. Componér amigable i extra- May no arbibly, and out of court, the differences judicialmente, las diferéncias que *¤‘W>¤‘¤· arising between their fellow coun- ge gusciten entre sus compzttrlétas trymen, provided that those persons sobre asuutos mercantiles, sicmpre agree voluntarily to submit to such que ellos quieran sometérse volunarbitration; in which case, the docu- tariaménte a su arbitramento, en ment containing the decision of the euyo caso, el documento en que consul, authenticated by himself and conste la decision del Consul autoby his chancellor or secretary, shall rizado por el mismo i por su Cancilhave all the force of a uotarial copy ler 0 Secretario, tendra toda la fuauthenticated, so as to render it ob- erza de un documento guarentijio ligatory on the interested parties. otorgado con todos los requisites necesarios para ser obligatorio 6. las partes interesadas. 8. They may cause proper order 8. Hacer que se mantenga. el de- Mnymaintnin to be maintained on board of vessels bido orden interior a bordo de los <>¥d<>¤‘ i¤ V<=¤¤°l*- of theirnation, and may decide on the bnques de su naci6n,i decidir en disputes arising between the cap- las diferéncias que sobrevéngan tains, the officers, and the members entre el capitan, los oficiales i losinof the crew, unless the disorders dividuos de la tripulacion, excepto taking place on board should disturb cuando los desordenes que sobrethe public tranquillity, orpersons not véugan a. bordo puédan turbar la belonging to the crew or to the na- tranquilidéd publica, o cuando en las tion in whose service the consul is diferoncias esten mezclados indiviis employed; in which case the local dues que no séan de la tripulacion authorities may interfere. o de la nacion fa. que pertenézca el buque, pues en este caso deheran intervenir las autoridades locales. 9. They may direct all the ope- 9. Dirijir todas las operacioncs In (ms or rations for saving vessels of their relatives al salvamento de los bu- W¥<=<=k¤- nation which may be wrecked on ques de la naeion ai que pertenézca the coasts of the district where the el Consul cuando naufraguen en las consul resides. In such cases, the costas del distrito, en que el resicla. local authorities shall interfere only En tal caso las.Autoridades locales in order to maintain tranquillity, to solo intervendran para mantenér el