Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/977

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TREATY WITH PERU. JULY 26, 1851. 933 personal property and effects Wheth- t0, y pueden tomar posesion de eler by testament or ab intestato, and los, bien por si mismos, 6 por otros may take possession of the same que obren en su nombre, y disponer themselves or by others acting for de ellos a su voluntad; pagando them, and dispose of the same at unicamente aquellos derechos 5. que their pleasure, paying such dues eu tales cases estén sujetos los habionly as the inhabitants of the tantes del pais donde se hallan los country wherein said effects may efectos precitados. Ysi, en el caso be shall be subject to pay in like de ser bienes raices, estuviesen imcases. Should the property consist pedidos los susodichos hcrederos de of real estate, and the heirs, on ac- entrar en posesion de la herencia, count of their character as aliens, en razon de ser extranjeros, se lcs be prevented from entering into concedera cl termino de tres auos, possession of the inheritance, they para que dispongan de ellos segun shall be allowed the term of three lo estimen conveniente, y para exyears to dispose of the same and portar su producto; lo cual podran withdraw and export the proceeds, hacer sin obstaculo y sin pagar which they may do without any otros derechos 6 impucstos que hindrance, and without paying any aquellos de que en general impoother dues or charges than those nen las leycs del pais. which are established by the laws of the country. ARTICLE XVI. ARTICULO XVI. If any vessel belonging to the En caso que un buque pertene- Provisions in citizens of either of the high con- cienteaciudadanosdecualquiera de °"¤° °f ‘"°<>ks» tracting parties should be wrecked, las [Altas] Partes Contratantes nan- &°` suffer damage, or be left derelict, fragase, sufriese averia, 6 fucse on or near the coasts, within the abandonado (derelicto) cn las costas, territories of the other, all assist- 6 cerca de las costas, de la otra, se ance and protection shall be given dara 5 dicho buque y a su tripulato such vessel and her crew; and cion toda asistenciayprotcccion; y the vessel, or any part thereof, and el buque, cualquicra parte de el, all furniture and appurtenances be- todos los articulos que le pertenclonging thereto, together with all cen, y las mercaderias que de él se the merchandise which shall be salvaren, 6 el producto de los missaved therefrom, or the produce mos, si se vendieren, serén fielthereof, if sold, shall be faithfully mente entregados 6. sus duenos 6 restored to the owners, or their ajentes, pagando unicamente los agents, they paying only the ex- gastos hechos para conservar los penses incurred in the preservation efectos, y los derechos de salvaof the property, together with the mento que hubiera pagado cn semeratc of salvage which would have jante caso un buque nacional. Y been payable, in the like case, by se permitira en este caso, descargar national vessels; and it shall be las mcrcaderias 6 efectos que se permitted for them to unload the hallen abordo con las precauciones merchandise and effects on board, necessarias para prevenir su ilieita with the proper precautions to pre- introduccion, sin que se exija ningun vent their illicit introduction, with- impuesto 6 eontribucion, con tal de out exacting in such case any duty, que sean exportados. impost, or contribution whatever, provided the same be exported. ARTICLE XVII. ART1oULo XVII. \Vhen through stress of weather, Cuando at causa de mal tiempo, Sam subject want of water or provisions, pur- falta de agua 6 de vivcres, persesuit of enemies or pirates, the ves- cucion de enemigos 6 de piratas,