Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/996

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952 TREATY WITH THE SIOUX. JULY 23, 1851. after they shall have given their assent to the foregoing article, as may be convenient, to cause to be set apart by appropriate landmarks and boundaries, such tracts of country without the limits of the cession made Pmvim by the First [2d] article of the treaty as may be satisfactoryfor their future occupancy and home: Provided, That the President may, by the consent of these Indians, vary the conditions aforesaid if deemed exedicnt. p Attest-—— ASBURY DICKINS, Secretary. AND WHEREAS, the said amendments having been submitted and explained to the said See-see-toan and Wah-pay-toan bands of Sioux Indians, the said Indians did, on the eighth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, assent to the said treaty as amended by the Senate, in words following, to wit: We, the undersigned, Chiefs and Headmen of the See-see-toan and Wah-pay-toan bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians, parties to the treaty made and concluded at Traverse des Sioux, upon the lllinnesota River, on the twenty-third day of July, eighteen hundred and nfty-one, trusting to the justice, liberality, and humanity of the President and the Congress of the United States, that such tracts of country will be set apart for our future occupancy and home as will be to us acceptable and satisfactory, do hereby give our free and voluntary assent to the foregoing treaty of July 23, 1851, as amended by the resolution of the Senate of the United States, on the twenty-third day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, the same having been submitted to us by Alexander Ramsey, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Territory of Minnesota, and Commissioner on the part of the United States, and fully and fairly explained by him to us in Council assembled. In testimony whereof the undersigned, Chiefs and Headmen of the See-see-toan and Wah-pay-toan bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians, have hereunto subscribed their names, in duplicate, at the office of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, in the town of Saint Paul, Territory of Minnesota, this eighth day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-two. Ecu-yang-me-nee, A-na-wan -ma—nee, Ee-tay-wa-keen-yan, Eenk—pa, gpg his son) Eesh—ta-hum-ba, (by his nephew,) '1`ape—ta-ta -ka, Mah-pee-ywwee-tchasta, Mah-pee-yanhna—shkan-shkan, Ecsh-m»hum-ba-koash-ka, No hope-tor, Mah-kat-con-day, Wo-tone-ho·wash-ta, Yah-zhoa-pee, Moza-ku-te—ma-ni, Wa-me-dec-o—to-mo-nee, Tchan-ka·ha-too, Oo-pec—ya-hen-da-ya, Wah-pah~ha-nah, Noam-pa-keen-yan, Wah-n1‘pee·dee-dootah, Wash-tay-day, Ho-hah-tchoko-ma—za, Hay-a-lic-day-ma—za, (by his father) Tn.-wa—kan-he-day-ma-za, Wa-keen-yah-doo-ta, Wa-kah-han·dee—topa, 1Va-kah—’ndee—ka.-ta. Witness: Nathaniel McLean, Indian Agent. Wallace B. White, Secretary. Philandcr Prescott, Interpreter. Jos. Laframboisc, Interpreter. Henry M. Rice. To the Indian names are subjoined marks. The foregoing assent was signed in presence of myself, and the witnesses whose names are annexed. ALEX. RAMSEY, Oommissioner.