Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 1.djvu/105

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PUBLIC LAW 99-264—MAR. 24, 1986

100 STAT. 69

(b) Upon final acceptance by the Secretary, the land referred to in subsection (a)(1) shall be deemed to have been reserved as of the date of the establishment of the White Earth Reservation and to be part of the trust land of the White Earth Reservation for all purposes. SEC. 11. Nothing in this Act is intended to alter the jurisdiction 25 USC 331 note. currently possessed by the White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians, the State of Minnesota, or the United States over Indians or nonIndians within the exterior boundaries of the White Earth Reservation. SEC. 12. (a) There is established in the Treasury of the United 25 USC 331 note. States a fund to be known as the White Earth Economic Development and Tribal Government Fund. Money in this Fund shall be held in trust by the United States for the White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians, and shall be invested and managed by the Secretary in the same manner as tribal trust funds pursuant to the Act of June 24, 1938 (25 U.S.C. 162a). (b) The White Earth Economic Development and Tribal Government Fund shall consist of— (1) money received by the White Earth Band as compensation pursuant to section 8; and (2) money received by the White Earth Band as a result of amounts forfeited pursuant to section 8(f); and (3) money received as an appropriation pursuant to section 15; and (4) income accruing on such sums. Income accruing to the White Earth Economic Development and Tribal Government Fund shall, without further appropriation, be available for expenditure as provided in subsection (c). (c) Income from the fund may be used by the authorized governing body of the band for band administration. Principal and income may be used by the authorized governing body of the band for economic development, land acquisition, and investments: Provided, however, That under no circumstances shall any portion of the moneys described in subsection (b) be used for per capita payments to any members of the band: Provided further. That none of the funds described in subsection (b) shall be expended by the governing body of the band until— (1) such body has adopted a band financial ordinance and investment plan for the use of such funds; and (2) such body has submitted to the Secretary a waiver of liability on the part of the United States for any loss resulting from the use of such funds; and (3) the Secretary has approved the band financial ordinance and investment plan. The Secretary shall approve or reject in writing such ordinance and plan within sixty days of the date it is mailed or otherwise submitted to him: Provided, That such ordinance and plan shall be deemed approved if, sixty days after submission, the Secretary has not so approved or rejected it. The Secretary shall approve the ordinsmce and plan if it adequately contains the element specified in this subsection. SEC. 13. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the 25 USC 331 note. United States grants its permission to the State of Minnesota to transfer land to the White Earth Band as described in section lO(a)(l) which prior to the date of enactment of this Act may have been obtained by the State pursuant to other Federal law or with Federal assistance. Any restrictions or conditions imposed by any