Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 1.djvu/684

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 648

Ante, p. 647.

PUBLIC LAW 99-339—JUNE 19, 1986

"(C) Whenever any civil penalty sought by the Administrator under this paragraph exceeds $5,000, the penalty shall be assessed by a civil action brought by the Administrator in the appropriate United States district court (as determined under the provisions of title 28 of the United States Code). "(D) If any person fails to pay an assessment of a civil penalty after it has become a final and unappealable order, or after the appropriate court of appeals has entered final judgment in favor of the Administrator, the Attorney General shall recover the amount for which such person is liable in any appropriate district court of the United States. In any such action, the validity and appropriateness of the final order imposing the civil penalty shall not be subject to review.". (2) Section 1414 of the Safe Drinking Water Act is amended by striking the words "FAILURE BY STATE TO ASSURE" from the section heading. SEC. 103. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION.

Section 1414(c) of the Safe Drinking Water Act is amended by striking everjrthing after the sentence "The Administrator shall by regulation prescribe the form, manner, and frequency for giving notice under this subsection." and inserting the following: "Within 15 months after the enactment of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986, the Administrator shall amend such regulations to provide for different types and frequencies of notice based on the differences between violations which are intermittent or infrequent and violations which are continuous or frequent. Such regulations shall also take into account the seriousness of any potential adverse health effects which may be involved. Notice of any violation of a maximum contaminant level or any other violation designated by the Administrator as posing a serious potential adverse health effect shall be given as soon as possible, but in no case later than 14 days after the violation. Notice of a continuous violation of a regulation other than a maximum contaminant level shall be given no less frequently than every 3 months. Notice of violations judged to be less serious shall be given no less frequently than annually. The Administrator shall specify the types of notice to be used to provide information as promptly and effectively as possible taking into account both the seriousness of any potential adverse health effects and the likelihood of reaching all affected persons. Notification of violations shall include notice by general circulation newspaper serving the area and, whenever appropriate, shall also include a press release to electronic media and individual mailings. Notice under this subsection shall provide a clear and readily understandable explanation of the violation, any potential adverse health effects, the steps that the system is taking to correct such violation, and the necessity for seeking alternative water supplies, if any, until the violation is corrected. Until such amended regulations are promulgated, the regulations in effect on the date of the enactment of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986 shall remain in effect. The Administrator may also require the owner or operator of a public water system to give notice to the persons served by it of contaminant levels of any unregulated contaminant required to be monitored under section 1445(a). Any 42 USC 300J-4. person who violates this subsection or regulations issued under this Law enforcement and subsection shall be subject to a civil penalty of not to exceed $25,000.". . ....,,,,„..,.„_ Regulations. Health and medical care. 42 USC 300g-3.