Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/1136

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 2944

PUBLIC LAW 99-514—OCT. 22, 1986 the first period of 5 consecutive 1-year breaks in service commencing after the withdrawal; or (II) in the case of any other withdrawal, 5 years after the date of the withdrawal." (ii) Subparagraph (C) of section 411(a)(7) is amended by striking out the last sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "The plan provision required under this subparagraph may provide that such repayment must be made (I) in the case of a withdrawal on account of separation from service, before the earlier of 5 years after the first date on which the participant is subsequently re-employed by the employer, or the close of the first period of 5 consecutive 1-year breaks in service commencing after the withdrawal; or (II) in the case of any other withdrawal, 5 years after the date of the withdrawal." (B) AMENDMENTS OF ERISA.—

(i) Clause (ii) of section 203(a)(3)(D) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 is amended by striking out the last sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "The plan provision required under this clause may provide that such repayment must be made (I) in the case of a withdrawal on account of separation from service, before the earlier of 5 years after the first date on which the participant is subsequently re-employed by the employer, or the close of the first period of 5 consecutive 1-year breaks in service commencing after the withdrawal; or (II) in the case of any other withdrawal, 5 years after the date of the withdrawal." (ii) Subsection (e) of section 204 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 is amended by striking out the last sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "The plan provision required under this subsection may provide that such repayment must be made (A) in the case of a withdrawal on account of separation from service, before the earlier of 5 years after the first date on which the participant is subsequently reemployed by the employer, or the close of the first period of 5 consecutive 1-year breaks in service commencing after the withdrawal; or (B) in the Case of any other withdrawal, 5 years after the date of the withdrawal." (5) PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS UNDER SIMPUFIED EMPLOYEE

PENSIONS.—Effective with respect to plan years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act, subparagraph (A) of section 408(k)(2) (relating to participation requirements) is amended by striking out "age 25" and inserting in lieu thereof "age 21". (b) AMENDMENTS RELATED TO SECTIONS 103 AND 203 OF THE ACT.— (1) CLARIFICATION OF QUALIFIED PRETIREMENT SURVIVOR ANNUITY IN CASE OF TERMINATED VESTED PARTICIPANT.— (A) AMENDMENT OF INTERNAL REVENUE CODE.—Paragraph

(1) of section 417(c) (defining qualified preretirement survivor annuity) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: