Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/247

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-509—OCT. 21, 1986

100 STAT. 2055

"(n) In the case of medical assistance furnished under this title for medicare cost-sharing respecting the furnishing of a service or item to a qualified medicare beneficiary, the State plan may provide payment in an amount with respect to the service or item that results in the sum of such payment amount and any amount of payment made under title XVIII with respect to the service or item exceeding the amount that is otherwise payable under the State plan for the item or service for eligible individuals who are not qualified medicare beneficiaries.". (f) REQUIREMENT OF COVERAGE OF CERTAIN PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND OTHER SPECIAL RULES.— (1) REQUIRING COVERAGE OF CERTAIN PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND INCOME STANDARD TO BE USED.—Section 1902(m)

State and local governments.

42 USC 1395.

42 USC 1396a.

of such Act, as added by section 9402(a)(2) of this subtitle, and as amended by section 9402(b) of this subtitle, is amended— (A) in paragraph (3), by inserting "or coverage under subsection (a)(10)(E)" after "subsection (a)(10)(A)(ii)(IX)", and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(5^ Notwithstanding subsection (a)(17), for qualified medicare beneficiaries described in section 1905(p)(l)— 42 USC 1396d. "(A) the income standard to be applied is the income standard described in section 1905(p)(l)(C), and "(B) except as provided in section 16120!))(4)(B)(ii), costs in- 42 USC 1382a. curred for medical care or for any other type of remedial care shall not be taken into account in determining income. Any different treatment provided under this paragraph for such individuals shall not, because of subsection (a)(l'7), require or permit such treatment for other individuals.". (2) EFFECTIVE DATE OF BENEFITS.—Section 1902(e) of such Act, as amended by section 9401(d) of this subtitle, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(8^ If an individual is determined to be a qualified medicare State and local beneficiary (as defined in section 1905(p)(l)), such determination governments. shall apply to services furnished after the end of the month in which the determination first occurs. For purposes of payment to a State under section 1903(a), such determination shall be considered to be 42 USC 1396b. valid for an individual for a period of 12 months, except that a State may provide for such determinations more frequently, but not more frequently than once every 6 months for an individual.". (g) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— (1) TREATMENT OF BENEFITS.—Section 1902(a)(10)(C) of such

Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(10)(C)) is amended, in the matter before clause (i), by inserting "or (E)" after "subparagraph (A)". (2) PAYMENT OF MEDICARE PREMIUMS AND PART A DEDUCT-


IBLE.—Section 1903(a)(1) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b(a)(l)) is amended— (A) by inserting "deductible amounts under part A and" after "(including expenditures for", (B) by inserting "(and, in the case of qualified medicare beneficiaries described in section 1905(p)(l), part A)" after "premiums under part B", and (C) by striking "or (B)" and inserting "(B) are qualified medicare beneficiaries described in section 1905(p)(l), or (C)".