Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/266

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 2074 ^' ' ' '

PUBLIC LAW 99-509—OCT. 21, 1986

"(i) assess (on a continuing basis) the incidence, characteristics, and status of adoption and foster care in the

United States, and "(ii) develop appropriate national policies with respect to adoption and foster care; "(B) evaluate the feasibility and appropriateness of collecting data with respect to privately arranged adoptions and adoptions arranged through private agencies without assistance from public child welfare agencies; Hii "(C) assess the validity of various methods of collecting data " with respect to adoption and foster care; and "(D) evaluate the financial and administrative impact of implementing each such method. Reports. "(3) Not later than October 1, 1987, the Advisory Committee shall submit to the Secretary and the Congress a report setting forth the results of the study required by paragraph (1) and evaluating and making recommendations with respect to the various methods of establishing, administering, and financing a system for the coUec' tion of data with respect to adoption and foster care in the United States. "(4)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the membership and organization of the Advisory Committee shall be determined by the Secretary. State and local "(B) The membership of the Advisory Committee shall include governments. representatives of— "(i) private, nonprofit organizations with an interest in child welfare (including organizations that provide foster care and adoption services), "(ii) organizations representing State and local governmental agencies with responsibility for foster care and adoption services, "(iii) organizations representing State and local governmental agencies with responsibility for the collection of health and social statistics, "(iv) organizations representing State and local judicial bodies with jurisdiction over family law, "(v) Federal agencies responsible for the collection of health •\\« and social statistics, and "(vi) organizations and agencies involved with privately arranged or international adoptions. "(5) After the date of the submission of the report required by paragraph (3), the Advisory Committee shall cease to exist. Reports. "(b)(l)(A) Not later than July 1, 1988, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress a report that— "(i) proposes a method of establishing, administering, and financing a system for the collection of data relating to adoption and foster care in the United States, "(ii) evaluates the feasibility and appropriateness of collecting data with respect to privately arranged adoptions and adoptions arranged through private agencies without assistance from public child welfare agencies, and "(iii) evaluates the impact of the system proposed under clause (i) on the agencies with responsibility for implementing it. Reports. "(B) The report required by subparagraph (A) shall— "(i) specify any changes in law that will be necessary to implement the system proposed under subparagraph (A)(i), and