Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/403

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-514—OCT. 22, 1986

100 STAT. 2211

as relates only to barges and containers, shall apply only with respect to barges and containers constructed in the United States. "(2)


OBLIGATION.—Under joint regulations, if the Secretary determines that any substantial obligation under any agreement is not being fulfilled, he may, after notice and opportunity for hearing to the person maintaining the fund, treat the entire fund or any portion thereof as an amount withdrawn from the fund in a nonqualified withdrawal. "(f) TAX TREATMENT OF QUALIFIED WITHDRAWALS.— "(1) ORDERING RULE.—Any qualified withdrawal

from a fund

shall be treated— "(A) first as made out of the capital account, "(B) second as made out of the capital gain account, and "(C) third as made out of the ordinary income account. "(2) ADJUSTMENT TO BASIS OF VESSEL, ETC., WHERE WITHDRAWAL FROM ORDINARY INCOME ACCOUNT.—If any portion of a

qualified withdrawal for a vessel, barge, or container is made out of the ordinary income account, the basis of such vessel, barge, or container shall be reduced by an amount equal to such portion. "(3) ADJUSTMENT TO BASIS OF VESSEL, ETC., WHERE WITHDRAWAL FROM CAPITAL GAIN ACCOUNT.—If any portion of a

qualified withdrawal for a vessel, barge, or container is made out of the capital gain account, the basis of such vessel, barge, or container shall be reduced by an amount equal to such portion. "(4) ADJUSTMENT TO BASIS OF VESSELS, ETC., WHERE WITHDRAWALS PAY PRINCIPAL ON DEBT.—If any portion of a qualified with-

drawal to pay the principal on any indebtedness is made out of the ordinary income account or the capital gain account, then an amount equal to the aggregate reduction which would be required by paragraphs (2) and (3) if this were a qualified withdrawal for a purpose described in such paragraphs shall be applied, in the order provided in joint regulations, to reduce the basis of vessels, barges, and containers owned by the person maintaining the fund. Any amount of a withdrawal remaining after the application of the preceding sentence shall be treated as a nonqualified withdrawal. "(5) ORDINARY INCOME RECAPTURE OF BASIS REDUCTION.—If any

property the basis of which was reduced under paragraph (2), (3), or (4) is disposed of, any gain realized on such disposition, to the extent it does not exceed the aggregate reduction in the basis of such property under such paragraphs, shall be treated as an amount referred to in subsection (g)(3)(A) which was withdrawn on the date of such disposition. Subject to such conditions and requirements as may be provided in joint regulations, the preceding sentence shall not apply to a disposition where there is a redeposit in an amount determined under joint regulations which will, insofar as practicable, restore the fund to the position it was in before the withdrawal. "(g) TAX TREATMENT OF NONQUALIFIED WITHDRAWALS.—

"(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subsection (h), any withdrawal from a capital construction fund which is not qualified withdrawal shall be treated as a nonqualified withdrawal.