Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/1215

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986


Solid Waste Disposal Act, State Dependent Care Development amendments...654, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1702, Grants Act 1703 State and Local Governments: Solomon Blatt, Sr., Post Office Acadia National Park, Federal Building, SC, designation 3530 payments South Africa: Age Discrimination in Employment Coast Guard Authorization Act of Amendments of 1986 1986 3545 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of Dementias Services Research Act 1986 1086 of 1986 Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 1986, technical corrections 3515 Army and Navy Union of the United Intelligence Authorization Act for States of America, charter Fiscal Year 1987 3190 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response South Carolina: Act of 1986 Bankruptcy Judges, United States Bankruptcy Judges, United States Trustees, and Family Farmer Trustees, and Family Farmer Banlcruptcy Act of 1986 3088 Bankruptcy Act of 1986 Fort Sumter National Monument Bicentennial Commission on the Tour Boat Facility, acquisition Constitution, commemorations and development 3532 Blackstone River National Heritage Goldwater-Nichols Department of Corridor, establishment Defense Reorganization Act of Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1986 992 1986 Judicial Houselceeping Act of 1986 3670 Colorado River Floodway Protection Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of Act 1986 1874 Columbia River Gorge National Rehabilitation Act Amendments of Scenic Area Act 1986 1807 Compact of Free Association, Solomon Blatt, Sr., Post Office approval Building, designation 3530 Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of Water Resources Development Act of 1986 1986 4082 Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco South Dakota: Health Education Act of 1986 Bankruptcy Judges, United States Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of Trustees, and Family Farmer 1986 Bankruptcy Act of 1986 3088 Conservation Service Reform Act of Garrison Diversion Unit 1986 Reformulation Act of 1986 418 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Water Resources Development Act of Reconciliation Act of 1985 1986 4082 Criminal Law and Procedure Southern Pacinc Transportation Technical Amendments Act of Company, property conveyance 3481 1986 Soviet Union. See Union of Soviet Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Socialist Republics. Area, boundary adjustment Space: Daylight savings time, zone Children's Challenge Center for Space exemption Science, congressional support 3495 District of Columbia Judicial < Ellison S. Onizuka, posthumous Air Efficiency and Improvement Act Force promotion 3350 of 1986 National Defense Authorization Act District of Columbia Jury System for Fiscal Year 1987 3816 Act Spain, Drug Export Amendments Act of 1986 3743 Domestic Volunteer Service Act Amendments of 1986 Special Foreign Assistance Act of Drug Export Amendments Act of 1986 3010 1986 Sports. See specific sport. Education of the Deaf Act of 1986 State Comprehensive Mental Health Services Plan Act of 1986 3794 Education of the Handicapped Act State Department Basic Authorities Amendments of 1986 Act of 1956, amendments...869-871, 3070, Electric Consumers Protection Act of 3204 1986

A49 Page

968 955 3342 3802 3207 3446 2970 3088 3063 3625 3545 1129 4274 3672 1086 30 1213 932 82 3592 3468 764 3228 3635 3071 3743 781 1145 1243

NOTE: Page references are to the beginning page of each law, with the exception of acts being amended or repealed, which cite to pages where they actually appear.