Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/149

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-646—NOV. 10, 1986

100 STAT. 3623

"(4) the term 'serious bodily injury' means bodily injury that involves a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, extreme physical pain, protracted and obvious disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; "(5) the term 'official detention' means— "(A) detention by a Federal officer or employee, or under the direction of a Federal officer or employee, following arrest for an offense; following surrender in lieu of arrest for an offense; following a charge or conviction of an offense, or an allegation or finding of juvenile delinquency; following commitment as a material witness; following civil commitment in lieu of criminal proceedings or pending resumption of criminal proceedings that are being held in abeyance, or pending extradition, deportation, or exclusion; or "(B) custody by a Federal officer or employee, or under the direction of a Federal officer or employee, for purposes incident to any detention described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, including transportation, medical diagnosis or treatment, court appearance, work, and recreation; but does not include supervision or other control (other than custody during specified hours or days) after release on bail, probation, or parole, or after release following a finding of juvenile delinquency.". (c) OTHER TITLE 18 AMENDMENTS.—Title 18, United States Code, is

amended— (1) by striking out chapter 99; 18 USC 2031, (2) in subsection (a) of section 113 by striking out "or rape"; 2032. (3) in subsection (b) of section 113 by striking out "rape" and inserting in lieu thereof "a felony under chapter 109A"; (4) in subsection (a) of section 1111 by striking out ", rape" and inserting in lieu thereof "aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse"; (5) in section 1153— (A) in the first paragraph, by striking out "rape, involuntary sodomy, carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife, who has not attained the age of sixteen years, assault with intent to commit rape," and inserting in lieu thereof "a felony under chapter 109A,"; and Ante, p. 3620. (B) in each of the second and third paragraphs, by striking o u t ", involuntary sodomy,"; (6) in paragraph (12) of section 3185 by striking out "Rape;" and inserting in lieu thereof "A felony under chapter 109A of this title;"; and (7) in the table of chapters at the beginning of part I— (A) by striking out the item relating to chapter 99; and (B) by inserting after the item relating to chapter 109 the following new item: "109A. Sexual Abuse


(d) NON-TITLE 18 PROVISIONS.—(1) The Public Health Service Act is amended— (A) in section 1904(a)(l)(G) (42 U.S.C. 300w-3(a)(l)(G)) by striking out "rape victims and for rape prevention" and inserting in lieu thereof "victims of sex offenses and for prevention of sex offenses"; and