Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/639

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-662—NOV. 17, 1986

100 STAT. 4113

The project shall include measures determined appropriate by the Secretary to minimize adverse effects on groundwater and to maximize benefits to groundwater, including ground water recharge.

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" The project for flood control, Santa Ana River Mainstem, includ- Dams, ing Santiago Creek, California: Report of the Chief of Engineers, dated January 15, 1982, at a total cost of $1,090,000,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $809,000,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $281,000,000, except that in lieu of the Mentone Dam feature of the project and subject to the provisions of section 903(b) of this Act, the Secretary is authorized to plan, design, and construct a flood control storage dam on the upper Santa Ana River. Any relocation of the Talbert Valley Channel undertaken in connection with the project shall be constructed with a channel capacity sufficient to accommodate a 100-year flood. If a non-Federal sponsor agrees to pay at least 50 percent of the cost of such investigation, the Secretary is authorized to investigate the feasibility of including water supply and conservation storage at Prado Dam. The Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the Secretary, shall carry out ' ^^^ *^^ such studies and analyses as he deems necessary to determine (1) the effects of water supply and conservation at Prado Dam on existing oil and gas leasehold interests owned by Prado Petroleum Company, and (2) the feasibility of exchanging the leasehold interests owned by Prado Petroleum Company for property of substantially equivalent value under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior. Such studies and analyses shall be completed within one year of the date of enactment of this Act. Pursuant to the Water Supply Act of 1958, any additional water supply and conservation 43 USC 390b. storage at Prado Dam as may be recommended by the Secretary based on the investigation under this paragraph is authorized upon the exchange of leasehold interests in accordance with the recommendations of the Secretary of the Interior's studies. Nothing in this paragraph affects the Secretary's and the Secretary of the Interior's existing authority to operate Prado Dam for water supply and conservation. FOUNTAIN CREEK, COLORADO

The project for flood control. Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colorado phase I GDM: Report of the Chief of Engineers, dated December 23, 1981, at a total cost of $8,600,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $6,320,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $2,280,000. METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO

The project for flood control. Metropolitan Denver and South Platte River and Tributaries, Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska: Reports of the Chief of Engineers, dated December 23, 1981, and July 14, 1983, House Document Numbered 98-265, at a total cost of $10,800,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $8,100,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $2,700,000. In applying section 104 to such project, the Secretary shall consider work carried out by non-Federal interests after January 1, 1978, and before the date of the enactment of this Act that otherwise meets the requirements of such section.
