Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/282

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

101 STAT. 252

Ante, p. 251.

PUBLIC LAW 100-17—APR. 2, 1987

head of the lead agency shall prescribe. Such payment shall consist of the amount necessary to enable such person to lease or rent for a period not to exceed 42 months, a comparable replacement dwelling, but not to exceed $5,250. At the discretion of the head of the displacing agency, a payment under this subsection may be made in periodic installments. Computation of a payment under this subsection to a low-income displaced person for a comparable replacement dwelling shall take into account such person's income. "(b) Any person eligible for a payment under subsection (a) of this section may elect to apply such payment to a down payment on, and other incidental expenses pursuant to, the purchase of a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling. Any such person may, at the discretion of the head of the displacing agency, be eligible under this subsection for the maximum payment allowed under subsection (a), except that, in the case of a displaced homeowner who has owned and occupied the displacement dwelling for at least 90 days but not more than 180 days immediately prior to the initiation of negotiations for the acquisition of such dwelling, such payment shall not exceed the payment such person would otherwise have received under section 203(a) of this Act had the person owned and occupied the displacement dwelling 180 days immediately prior to the initiation of such negotiations.". SEC. 408. RELOCATION PLANNING, ASSISTANCE COORDINATION, ADVISORY SERVICES.


Section 205 of the Uniform Act (42 U.S.C. 4625) is amended to read as follows: RELOCATION PLANNING, ASSISTANCE COORDINATION, AND ADVISORY SERVICES Business and industry. Agriculture and agricultural commodities.

"SEC. 205. (a) Programs or projects undertaken by a Federal agency or with Federal financial assistance shall be planned in a manner that (1) recognizes, at an early stage in the planning of such programs or projects and before the commencement of any actions which will cause displacements, the problems associated with the displacement of individuals, families, businesses, and farm operations, and (2) provides for the resolution of such problems in order to minimize adverse impacts on displaced persons and to expedite program or project advancement and completion. "(b) The head of any displacing agency shall ensure that the relocation assistance advisory services described in subsection (c) of this section are made available to all persons displaced by such agency. If such agency head determines that any person occupying property immediately adjacent to the property where the displacing activity occurs is caused substantial economic injury as a result thereof, the agency head may make available to such person such advisory services. "(c) Each relocation assistance advisory program required by subsection (b) of this section shall include such measures, facilities, or services as may be necessary or appropriate in order to— yj "(1) determine, and make timely recommendations on, the 0 ^ needs and preferences, if any, of displaced persons for relocation

lo assistance;

"(2) provide current and continuing information on the availc i ability, sales prices, and rental charges of comparable replace-