Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/314

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

101 STAT. 284 9ffil '»" .e: I }3Tj Oi -mf-

37 USC 404, 404 "° • 100 Stat. l^^^-ll3,

PUBLIC LAW 100-26—APR. 21, 1987

(C) by revising the first word after the open quotation marks in each paragraph (other than paragraphs (1), (8) through (13), (44), and (45)) so that the initial letter of such word is lower case. (2) Sections 976(a), 1045(e), 1587(a), 1621, 2006(b), 2120, 2213(e), 2232, 2302 (other than paragraph (3)), 2305a(d), 2350, 2362(e), 2394(c), 2397(a), 2397a(a), 2403(a), 2432(a), 2547(e), 2801(c), and hm 5001(a) are amended— (A) by inserting ' The term" in each paragraph after the rtrMi^T: paragraph designation; and (B) by revising the first word after the first quotation marks in each paragraph (other than in sections 1045(e), 2006(b)(1), 2213(e)(2), 2232(1), 2350(2), 2801(c)(3), 5001(a)(1). and 5001(a)(2)) so that the initial letter of such word is lower four case. (3) Sections 130(b)(2), 708(e), 975(a)(2), 1490(c), 2319(a), 2324(k), hrt, 2391(d), 2401a(d), 2404(e), 2825(a)(2), 2826(f), and 2862(a)(2) are amended by inserting "the term" after "In this section,". bnc (4) Section 276(b) is amended by inserting ", the term" after "In this section". (5) Sections 1126(d) and 7420 are amended— HJ..,--..; (A) by striking out the dash in the matter preceding paragraph (1) and inserting in lieu thereof a colon; (B) by inserting "The term" in each paragraph after the paragraph designation; (C) by striking out the semicolon at the end of each of iiso g.; paragraphs (1) through (4) and inserting in lieu thereof a period; and h:. (D) by striking out "; and" at the end of paragraph (5) and inserting in lieu thereof a period. ,,. (6) Section 2181 is amended— (A) by striking out " 'Captive" and inserting in lieu thereof "The terms 'captive"; and (B) by striking out " 'Dependent" and inserting in lieu thereof "The term 'dependent". '^QI (7) Section 2433(a) is amended— (A) by inserting "The term" in paragraphs (2) and (4) ff. after the paragraph designation; and (B) by striking out "(3) 'Procurement" and inserting in lieu thereof "(3) The term 'procurement". (8) Section 3001 is amended by inserting "the term" after "In I; this title,". (9) Section 7430(i) is amended by striking out "As used in" and j^ inserting in lieu thereof "In". (10) Section 7721(b) is amended by inserting ", the term" after . "In this chapter". SEC. 8. AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 37, UNITED STATES CODE (a) CoNFUCTiNG PROVISIONS.—The amendments made to section 404(d) of title 37, United States Code, by section 614(a) of the Defense Authorization Act shall be executed as if that portion of section 9073 of the Defense Appropriations Act which is before the proviso had not been enacted, and such amendments shall be effective as provided in section 6140t)) of the Defense Authorization Act. Such portion of section 9073 which is before the proviso shall not be in effect after the date of the enactment of this Act, and the reference