Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/917

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

PUBLIC LAW 100-153—NOV. 5, 1987

101 STAT. 887

November 7, 1983, at page 51204 of volume 48 of the Federal Register". SEC. 6. (a) Paragraph (1) of section 3 of the White Earth Reserva- Minnesota, tion Land Settlement Act of 1985 (100 Stat. 61, 62) is amended to 25 USC 331 note. read as follows— "(1) 'Heir' means a person who received or was entitled to receive an allotment or interest as a result of testate or intestate succession under applicable Federal or Minnesota law, or one who is determined under section 9, by the application of the inheritance laws of Minnesota in effect on March 26, 1986, to be entitled to receive compensation payable under section 8.". (b) Subsection (b) of section 5 of the White Earth Reservation Land Settlement Act is amended to read as follows— 25 USC 331 note. "Qo) The 'proper county recording officer', as that term is used in subsection (a) of this section, shall be a county recorder, registrar of titles, or probate court in Becker, Clearwater, or Mahnomen Counties, Minnesota.". (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Appropriation the Treasury is authorized and directed to transfer to the White authorization. Earth Economic Development and Tribal Government Fund, out of funds in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, an amount equal to the sum of— (1) $55,917 for the interest that would have accrued on the settlement funds appropriated pursuant to section 15 of the White Earth Reservation Land Settlement Act of 1985 if such funds had been properly invested during the period beginning on November 17, 1986, and ending on January 12, 1987, plus (2) an amount equal to the interest that would have accrued '* on $55,917 during the period beginning on January 12, 1987, and ending on the date the transfer required under this subsection is made by the Secretary of the Treasury if $55,917 had been invested as part of the White Earth Economic Development and Tribal Government Fund on January 12, 1987. Amounts transferred to the White Earth Economic Development and Tribal Government Fund under this subsection shall be treated as interest accrued on such Fund. SEC. 7. The Secretary of the Interior shall calculate and certify to Alaska, the Secretary of the Treasury for payment out of funds in the judgments, awards, and compromise settlements account of the United States Treasury to Cook Inlet Region, Inc., pursuant to section 2(a) and (e) of Public Law 94-204 (89 Stat. 1146), as amended by section 1411 of Public Law 96-487 (94 Stat. 2497) and section 22 of Public Law 99-396 (100 Stat. 846), a final determination of interest on funds withheld from revenues owed to Cook Inlet Region, Inc. under section 14(g) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, 43 U.S.C. 1613(g), and paid to the Treasury as windfall profits taxes on oil production from the Swanson River and Beaver Creek units in Alaska of which Cook Inlet Region, Inc. may be regarded as a producer under 26 U.S.C. 4996(a)(1), as though such funds had been withheld before conveyance to Cook Inlet Region, Inc. of interests in leases within those units. Such interest shall be calculated and paid for the period from the dates on which such funds otherwise would have been paid to Cook Inlet Region, Inc. to the date of refund of the principal amounts withheld. SEC. 8. Section 1514 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 4421) is amended—