Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/68

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

101 STAT. 1054


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PUBLIC LAW 100-180—DEC. 4, 1987

fiscal year 1989, may be obligated for the purchase of high technology manufacturing equipment and the installation of such equipment in a private, nonprofit center for advemced technologies for the purpose of training, in a production facility, machine tool operators in skills critical to the defense technology base to build, operate, and maintain such equipment. Qoi) REQUIREMENTS.—Funds may not be obligated for the purpose described in subsection (a) until— (1) the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Commerce, the i Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of Education enter into a memorandum of understanding concerning the participation of -^ their respective departments in a project to demonstrate the

  • training of machine technicians in a production facility;

(2) the Secretary of Defense approves the obligation of such funds for such purpose; and (3) a period of 60 days elapses after the Secretary of Defense ® submits to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and - the House of Representatives a report that sets forth a detailed ^- explanation of proposed Federal expenditures, a description of J the cost-sharing arrangements between the Government agencies concerned and the private sector, and a description of how '* the proposed program furthers the industrial and technological goals of the Department of Defense. SEC. 220. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON STRATEGIC MISSILE MODERNIZATION PROGRAMS

(a) FINDINGS.—The Congress makes the following findings: (1) It is essential that the nation's defense priorities be carefully analyzed so as to properly fund the Armed Forces. Union of Soviet (2) The capabilities of the conventional forces of the United Socialist States and its allies will become more important if an agreeRepublics. ment with respect to intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) is ,^ concluded between the United States and the Soviet Union. (3) It is both desirable and possible to reduce the reliance of - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on nuclear weapons for

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the defense of all members of the alliance if the member nations .. of the alliance assert the political will to reduce such reliance and establish sound defense priorities. •.KTi>;.. (4) The United States is currently procuring and deploying ., one land-based intercontinental ballistic missile system (the MX , system) at significant cost while developing another such system (the so-called Midgetman system) at significant addi', tional cost. (5) Efforts to reduce the Federal budget deficit, which are \-y imperative for the economic well being of the United States, will continue for the foreseeable future to require limits on all discretionary Federal spending, including defense spending. Research and (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—In light of the findings in subsection (a), development. jt is the sense of Congress that the authorization of funds in this Act for research and development for both the new small mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (commonly known as the "Midgetman" missile) and the proposed rail-mobile basing mode for the MX missile does not constitute a commitment or express an intent by Congress to provide funds to procure and deploy the Midgetmsm missile or to deploy any MX missiles in a rail-mobile basing mode or both. - ^